Harlowe's mini spinoff

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(Not canon, just a little drabble if Harlowe really got her shit together and reader met her in different circumstances.)

"Thank you, baby." A woman with a blond, pixie haircut pecked you on the cheek as you handed her some hot, food takeaways.

"You're welcome." She sets it down on the small table.

You looked around her tattoo shop, it's closed for the time being for lunch. You would always deliver her food and eat with her.

"Huh!? Harlowe! What the hell-!" You were lifted up into the air by your doting, masculine girlfriend. She laughed heartily as your legs kicked back and forth, trying to find the ground.

She brought you close to her chest, her lips were connected with yours as she held onto you tightly like a teddy bear.

"You're so tiny, how is that possible?" She teased, nuzzling her nose with yours.

"I'm pretty sure any girl is tiny compared to a six foot giant like you— and you're wearing platform shoes, who wouldn't be tiny?" You retorted, earning a scoff.

"Yeah right, you're just pissy cause you didn't drink enough milk to build your bones. Ha ha ha!" She twirled you around.

"Argh! Harlowe, put me down—" she did not. She pinned you against a wall instead.

Your arms are wrapped around her neck and your legs are coiled around her waist. Both of your chests are pressing against each other.

You glance behind her, smart. No wonder she closed the blinds, usually she wouldn't do that.

She sensually brushed her lips up and down the length of your neck, her hot breath coupled with her roaming, veiny hands on your thighs and rear made you blush.

"You're one horny bitch, Harlowe." You spat. She giggled, the vibrations sent chills down your spine.

"That's right, I'm a horny ass bitch... and I'm so grateful to have such an amazing girlfriend to put up with my shit on the daily." You gasped when she groped a buttock.

Her fingers teasingly tugged on the waistband of your pants, you know what she wants now.

You would usually enjoy steamy sessions with her, be it in a place like this or at her home or your own. But today, you're not feeling it. Especially it will probably get messy and you won't have the energy to help her clean up after that.

"Hey now, stop it." She paused, pouting at you as she gently lets you down. At least she knows how to respect your boundaries.

"I'm sorry, baby." She mumbled, rubbing her arm awkwardly.

"Thanks— anyways, I think we should uh, eat lunch now." Her face lit up, she then gave you a playful noogie.

"I love you for that, so, what did ya get us today?" She pinched your cheek before returning her focus on the takeaway.

"(Favourite food)." you replied.

"Aw... again? Can't I eat you out instead?" She snickered as you grimaced, that was cringe worthy.

"Kidding, kidding. I'll eat whatever the hell you want me to." She opened the styrofoam container to reveal a good portion of hot, (f/f).

"Wow, looks great, baby. Same restaurant?" You nodded.

"You're so routine that it's boring sometimes." She poked it with her plastic fork.

"And yet you chose me." You replied with a mouthful of (f/f). Harlowe grinned.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now