George Floyd

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George Floyd, an African American man died due to police brutality.

Derek Chauvin, a White Minneapolis police officer kept his knee on Floyd's neck until he was killed.

All because of a $20 bill that was believed to be counterfeit. He pleaded for his life, he was begging to BREATHE. He couldn't breathe as Derek knelt on his neck for EIGHT whole minutes. Completely ignoring his pleas until he died.

Floyd was unarmed and compliant, yet he was given such unacceptable treatment. Footage was captured and circulated around, it clearly shows that Floyd did absolutely NOTHING wrong. And yet, he was killed. He was killed because of his skin colour, he was killed because of the corrupt system.

Protests for justice to be served is currently happening in America. We need to give all the help we can, please click on the link below.

In this link, you will find petitions you can sign, you can donate, helpful tips for protests, numbers to call and many more. This link tells you how, as a human being can help.

American or not, Black, White, Asian and anything in between, we all have to stand together as one and help. It doesn't matter who we are or where we come from, we all can help. We all have to help.

May you rest in peace, George Floyd as well as countless other victims of police brutality. Condolences to their families and friends.

Link: (clickable one is in my conversation board)

If you are uninformed about this, please do educate yourself about it  by clicking and reading the articles in the links below.

Links: (clickable ones are on my conversation board)

I'm just a simple yandere x reader writer, but I am going to use my platform to spread awareness about this. I cannot stay quiet and ignore the balant injustice and unfairness.

As much as you can, please spread awareness about the current situation in America and educate yourself as much as you can. I am also in the process of educating myself— please do as much research as possible and please...

Use your voice, no matter how small or big your platform is.

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."- Desmond Tutu


Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now