"Ladies'" day

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"So uh, what do you do for... fun?" You asked while he's drying his hair with his unique hairdryer. He has a brush in the other hand, professionally drying part by part.

"I write—" he paused. What does he do for fun? Vasilios turned the appliance off and ponder.

All he ever did was work on his erotic novels, do some 'research' and gather 'inspiration' for his books from his sensual relationships, care for Hermes, mundane chores, taxes, other paperwork such as insurance and personal investments...

Vasilios was surprised too, he doesn't seem to have a hobby. He spends most of his time bedding others or asserting 'seductive dominance' towards them.

He spends time doing physical workout at home too. He has a small, personal exercise room upstairs. But... he doesn't necessarily enjoy doing so.

You, thinking that you have struck another nerve, start to panic.

"H-hey it's cool! Just wonderin'! No pressure, no pressure!" You took a few steps away from him and put your hands in front of you.

The male widened his eyes in shock, did he scare you? Did he appear... angry?

"No, (y/n). It's alright. I was just... thinking." He mumbled.

"What do you do for fun, darling?" Vasilios asked, he tried to make it sound as friendly as possible. However, it sounded like a taunt to you.

You rubbed your nose anxiously. "Shit... most of my hobbies are pretty illegal..."

"Well uh, I like to watch TV... and s-sleep."

"Oh?" He tilted his head to the side curiously.

"Yeah. I don't have the money, energy and time to do anything... else." You gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Better not tell him 'bout my weekly one-night stands every Fridays."

"I see." He replied and continued drying his damp hair. Then suddenly he remembered something.

"Ah, I just remembered. The Smiths invited us to their eldest son's surprise birthday party." He brushed his hair downwards.

"Us?" Vasilios nodded.

"They barely know me." You responded.

"You're my woman, it's human decency to invite you too." You grimace at his first remark.

"That shit doesn't sit right with me... 'I'm his woman'? Ew."

"Right... how old is their son?" You asked. Expecting him to be a teenager.

"He's a year older than me." He scoffed. "How pathetic, he is still dependent on his poor parents for survival. He makes me sick to the core." The male spitefully spat and scrunched his nose in disgust.

"What an insolent brat, he leeches everything off his parents and younger siblings. He does nothing but play those wretched video games in his filthy bedroom. He doesn't deserve this celebration—" he continued ranting angrily about him.

"Was there a history between them or does he just hate people like that with a burning passion? Hold on... a year older than him?"

"So he's like... around twenty five?" You asked him when he's done.

"No, he's turning thirty-one today. What a disgrace, still no active income, no house and no car." Vasilios huffed. Your jaw dropped.

"You're... goddamn thirty?" Vasilios raised an eyebrow as he nods, he turned the hair dryer off and sets it down. You scratched the back of your neck and gave him a thumbs up.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now