Almost there (filler chapter)

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A/n: chapter is skippable (+ major easter eggs)

But if can, please dont skip ;) there's a surprise innit.

"Lizard, my man. You chose the wrong place." A man, stroking his impressive moustache told Lizard.

"Dude! Ain't like, Flies' Haven a restaurant? C'mon Tuna, I'm sure you know something..." The man placed his hands on his hips.

"Its Tony, you dumbass. Yeh, Flies' Haven is... like a restaurant alright. But its barely reachin' one star. You're talking about someone who dined and dashed in a ten-star restaurant here." Tony pointed at the piece of paper Lizard presented him.

"Damn!" Lizard cursed. "Do you know any ten star restaurants?" Tony snorted.

"Do I look like I use hundred dollar bills to wipe my ass after every shit? No! I don't!"

"Well, uh, do you know anyone who wipes their ass with hundred dollar bills?" Lizard asked. Tony stroked his moustache again.

"Hmm, I ain't supposta tell you this. But there's a superstar in 'Motel' motel right now, doing some filming. Might wanna ask them, If you can get past their bodyguards." He snickered.

"You'll probably end up becoming minced meat— hey! Where the hell did he go!?" Tony looked around. There was no sign of the surfer boy anywhere.

Tony facepalmed. "He could have just searched it up in the internet..."

"Where is the famous dude?!" Lizard barges in from the front entrance.

An emaciated-looking person, with baggy (e/c) eyes and greasy (h/c) hair whipped their head towards him. They were holding a broom.

"T-boy!" They pointed at him.

"New dude!... or dudette!" Lizard replied. "Or... um... newbie!"

"Callin' me Newbie is fine. But Who the hell spilled the shit!? You can't just waltz in here screamin' 'famous dude!', yer gonna get yourself and us shanked in the ass!" 'Newbie' yelled at him.

"Damn newbie! No need to get all pissy! I just wanna ask where can I find some ten-star restaurants!" Newbie furrowed their eyebrows and crossed their arms.

"Huh! You think you're hot shit? Already earnin' millions from your gift shop?" Newbie gave an amused laugh.

"No, hombre. I'm searchin for this chick!" He showed Newbie the paper with (f/n)'s full name with it.

Newbie squinted at it. "I know a(n) (f/n). But their last name spells different. Why? Your girlfriend? Your long-lost daughter?"

Lizard shook his head. "Ew no, I was told to find her."

"Damn, how much did they pay you?" Newbie asked.

"My greatest grandma's music box!" Newbie raised their eyebrow.

"Okay, then why—"

"Who is this?" A suave, deep voice asked from behind the (h/c) haired person. Newbie suddenly became stiff. 

"Y-yo, are you— whoa!" Newbie grabbed Lizard by the collar.

"Play along." Newbie said it through their gritted teeth. Lizard gulped and moved his focus towards the male behind.

He is gorgeous.

"Whoa! He's like that (y/n) chick's boyfriend!" Out of all the times Lizard could have said your name correctly, he said it now. Newbie's tired (e/c) eyes widened at him.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now