His Weakness

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"Only your phone charger cable and toothbrush—unless you are willing to use mine— should be taken out of your home. " Vasilios pace around your room, talking like a pantomime. You wince in disgust as you searched around for the cable. "Okay, that's gross. Sharin' a toothbrush with him ain't a prize."

"Your entire... bland wardrobe is in my domicile, I have sufficient pillows, my duvet covers the both of us, cutlery and ceramics are plenty—" your eye twitched in irritation as Vasilios continues spouting his comments dramatically as if he is reciting a theatrical play.

"Gotta admit, his... theatre accent is pretty good. Is he— Is he doing a British accent?" You went into your bathroom, taking your toothbrush, comb and towel. You were about to grab your (brand name) body wash but you felt a tap on your back. "What— mmph!"

Vasilios trapped your lips with his. "What did I do now!?" He picked the towel and comb off your hands then lets go of you.

His fingers were holding your chin while the other hand was holding your towel and comb. "—as I mentioned before, these are unnecessary." He dropped them in your bathtub.

Vasilios he placed a quick, teasing peck on your ear. You shivered at the intimate contact.

"Endearing little dolt." He planted a kiss on your forehead too, a grin slowly forming on his lips.

The male couldn't help himself, you exude something that makes him feel like there are butterflies in his stomach. Finally, something different from the boring, loveless, meaningless relationships he had in the past with other women and men.

You, now panicking because you thought that he's going to assault your mouth again, pushed yourself onto his body. Hugging him tightly like how you did this morning.

He felt all tingly, up to his spine, down his spine, on his chest, on his legs, on his arms...

Oh, you are simply wonderful.

Vasilios felt like he's on cloud nine, in paradise, intoxicated with addicting love. His arms wrap around you loosely as he lets out a shaky laugh.

"Oh, you are such a gem..." He whispered sensually.

You shut your eyes tight, hoping whatever attack he's intending will be over soon. "Damn! How long am I gonna have to hold him like this!?"

He began to absentmindedly twirl a strand of your (h/c) hair around his fingers, still drunk on elevated levels of serotonin. The lovesick male loves the softness of your hair on his skin.

A half-lidded, crooked smile appears on his handsome face. He nuzzled the top of your head and took a deep whiff, this freaked you out. "My darling... I must say, you smell marvellous..." he slurred on.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Of course I smell good, because I smell like YOU, damn narcissist... what's with him? Why does he act like he's high on something?"

You jolted in shock when he moaned softly. "What the f..." Vasilios wrapped his arms around you again, swaying side to side.

"I'm so in love with you, It hurts..." He whispered. "I love you... please— please, never leave me..." He murmured.

You're starting to notice a pattern here. "Hey, I think can induce this drunk state into him if I hug him! Ha! Found his damn weakness, gotta tell Brandy and Tiana. Oh, wait, oh shit... how am I gonna do that under his damn hawk eyes? Plus, he can do some crazy voice acting... damn it!" You wonder why does hugging produce such an effect on him.

Vasilios cooed sweet nothings as he gently sways both of you side to side. "When can I let go!?"

Vasilios couldn't think straight, it's like his mind was constantly clouded with a pink, pleasure-inducing haze. He loves this feeling and he loves you so much more.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now