Petty Insult

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He made you take a shower and thankfully did not insist to join you. You took a shower upstairs while he took a shower in another bathroom downstairs.

Vasilios also forced you to wear a shirt of his, threatening you to burn your basket of freshly done laundry if you don't. You were taken aback by the sudden violent remark, not wanting to test his patience further, you did what you were told.

The shirt was too large on you and it reaches your knees. You had to pull it up often or else it will slip from your shoulders. He found it adorable and demanded you to stand still, pose in a 'T' formation while he takes a photo.

"This is way more humiliating than getting my nudes taken..." you grimace as you turned around after being instructed to. You wonder why did he ask you to do this stiff pose.

Finally, after taking a dozen of digital pictures, he turned his phone off and kept it in his bathrobe pocket.

"Thank you, darling." He grinned and kissed you on the cheek. You let your arms fall to the side and watch him hop on the bed, taking the notebook and pen with him. He excitedly scribbled something on it before bringing his gaze back to you.

"Join me, (y/n)." He patted on the empty spot next to him. You pursed your lips and took tentative steps forward.

He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him, nuzzling his face in your hair while your eyes are trained on his notebook.

"Wow, he has a doctor's handwriting." You squinted at the writing, attempting to decipher a word or two. This did not go unnoticed by the male.

"Oh? Do you wish to take a look?" Vasilios brought to your hands for you to grab. You looked in his eyes.

"M-may I?" You asked nervously. Maybe you should have taken it without saying anything because your politeness triggered Vasilios's feverish desire to 'reward' you. "Hey! What—"

He was fast and strong! He managed to wrap your whole body up with the blanket in mere seconds, just like swaddling a baby. You couldn't free your arms or legs, you can only squirm like a pupa in its cocoon. "What the hell— ha ha ha ha!"

His slender fingers rapidly swiped on the areas where it is prone to tickling. He straddled on your bound legs and started planting numerous butterfly kisses all around your face and neck.

You preferred him acting aloof and stoic, like on the first day the both of you met. You hate his playful side.

"It's so..." he giggled on your neck. "...difficult to control myself when you're just, too sweet." He licked the shell of your ear. You shivered in disgust.

His tickling finally stopped, but he held you tightly in his arms like a child hugging his beloved stuffed toy. The side of your head was resting on his toned chest while his leg crosses over yours.

The whole ordeal left you huffing and puffing, gasping for air. You stayed in that position for a while, expecting him to let go.

But no, you craned your head upwards to get a better view of his face. "Is he seriously... sleeping!?" Vasilios's had a content look on his face and his eyes were comfortably shut. There is no way you could relax enough to sleep after his mild assault.

You groan and closed your eyes too, hoping that a miracle would happen.

What you didn't see, was a stray tear rolling down his cheek.

You felt a bit chilly.

Your hand roamed around to search for the blanket. It landed on a very familiar, silky 'fabric'. Before you could start tugging on it, you felt a slap on the back of your hand. It jolted you awake and you quickly retracted your hand.

Turning around, you saw Vasilios protectively holding onto his hair, a hairband was already prepared on his right wrist. "Holy shit! Sorry!" He just narrowed his eyes at you.

"H-hey, but at least I didn't rip it off this time, right?" You scratched the back of your neck and laughed awkwardly.

"Twit." He gently flicked your forehead without warning. You rubbed the spot while he adjusts the wide collar of the oversized shirt since its starting to slip off your shoulders.

Vasilios leaned in to give a soft kiss on the nape of your neck. "...but a charming one." He continued.

"How many personalities does he have!?" You were worried about his unpredictability, you couldn't tell what would he do next.

He brought his notebook near your chest. You looked at him, he was smiling 'innocently'. Not wanting to make the same mistake as before, you immediately took it out of his hand.

You flipped through the pages, not bothering to read the words because you couldn't identify the letters anyways. "Heh, Nice handwriting you got there. It's like I'm reading a brick of instant noodles—"

You clamp your mouth shut when you realize who you were talking to. "He'll let it slide right? It's just a joke anyway." You turned your head to look at him.

An irate scowl made its way to Vasilios's handsome features. "Shit, shit, shit, SHIT! I didn't mean that! I'm sorry—" He snatched it away from your hands and stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

The impact of the door against the doorframe was so strong that a picture frame on the wall dropped and shattered into pieces.

"What the hell is wrong with him!?" You screamed into a pillow. You threw a tantrum because you were so fed up with the male, however, you couldn't do anything to escape from your current situation.

"Damn it, Brandy! What the hell is taking you so damn long to shut (f/n) up!?" You slammed your head against the pillow repeatedly. You were sick of it, sick of his mood swings.

You took a deep breath and exhaled. Calming yourself down to a reasonable degree.

"Okay, okay, okay. Let's go through the facts." You whispered to yourself. You closed your eyes momentarily in exasperation.

"Fact number one, Vasilios is a psycho bitch with severe mood swings. Fact number two, I can't make fun of his crap while he can make fun of ME." You showed both middle fingers at the door, pretending that he is there.

"How is that fair!? What a piece of shit!" You threw a pillow at the door. "He can go straight to hell!" You continued cursing.

"And what's with that door slamming crap!? I just said his handwriting looks like noodles and he goes 'boo hoo, I am offended'. Unbelievable!" You half-yelled, luckily Vasilios soundproofed his bedroom for many reasons.

"He is literally cancerous, he is going to give me a brain tumour!" You flipped the bird again before groaning in frustration.

"Damn you to hell, Vasilios!"

Meanwhile, Vasilios is sobbing on the dining table, he rested his head on his arms. His tears were being soaked by the pages of the notebook, the ink became diluted and even more illegible. His long hair was in a mess, sprawled untidily around him.

Vasilios couldn't understand why is he acting like this over such a simple remark from you. It just happened.

Hermes can only watch his master cry from its cage with its beady eyes, not understanding a thing because he is a bird.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now