Amusement park

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You grumble as you apply another amount of concealer on your neck. "I act nice and decided to go through hell to get him a gift. What did I get in return? ANOTHER hickey and a mouth full of his spit. How can anyone enjoy french kisses?!" You slammed your concealer container closed and storm out of the park's restroom. The line between Vasilios's 'punishments' and 'rewards' are blurry, you felt that he was getting more and more unpredictable.

Vasilios was leaning against a wall, he had a bored look on his features. You just grimaced at him, ignoring the jealous stares from other women and males alike. "Trust me, you all wouldn't want to be in my place." He handed you a map, while you were busy unfolding it, he lifts your cap to ruffle your hair. "Wh- hey! Come on, I just fixed that!"

"With quite an unsatisfactory result. Might as well start from the beginning." The corners of his lips curled upwards a bit as he ran slender fingers through your hair. You would never verbally admit to him that it felt heavenly as it will add more fuel to the flame. You would if he didn't do whatever he has done to you.

Actually, you don't even need to. Vasilios knows you enjoy it, you didn't even attempt to pull away unlike from the rest of his displays of affection.

He made a mental note of that to himself.

"My, my. Such a touch-starved darling you are, (y/n)." You were brought back to reality when he whispered into your ear. You jerked your head away and kept a distance away from Vasilios. "What?"

It was the first time you heard him chuckle. You didn't understand what is so funny. Until you took a look at the map, it was upside down and on the wrong side. Your cheeks turned red as you immediately flipped the map and turn it downside up.
You coughed into your fist to direct the focus to somewhere else. "Damn it! I have been staring at that for a while!"

"A-anyways, I'd say we should go to uhh..." your eyes scanned through for a nice ride. "Aha!"

"Let's go to the Barf Master 3000!" You pointed at the largest rollercoaster in the middle of the page. To your surprise, Vasilios started walking in a direction towards the ride you mentioned. You had to jog a bit to keep up with his rapid pace. When you reach the ride, Vasilios was already waiting near it with his arms crossed.

You were about to get in line until a strong, large hand had an iron grip on your relatively tiny one. "Hey w-wait, where are you taking me?" Vasilios did not answer you, he just pulled you along with him further away from the intimidating ride to another MORE intimidating one.

"Why!?" You yelled out once you saw the large sign. It was the cliché, so-called Tunnel of Love. "If he wasn't such an asshole, I wouldn't mind. But then his freakish nature... I don't know what will happen to me in there, and I definitely don't want to know!" You tried to resist by standing still, but his sheer power alone enabled him to drag you along with him without breaking a sweat.

Painted styrofoam hearts hung from the top. The walls are painted pink and red to symbolize the emotion. Dolls were dressed as cupids and were hovering over the passengers. Cheesy romantic music and the sound of the calm water sloshing against your boat made you want to puke more than Barf Master 3000. It isn't because you are against these types of romance, it was because you had a vague idea of what will happen next.

You were informed that there will be a part of the tunnel that is pitch dark to let couples "have the maximum experience of love." It scared you to no end. Especially you knew what Vasilios could do under five minutes. You were nearing that part of the tunnel, your heart beats faster every second. "It's okay, it's okay, its less than a few minutes. Right? I can handle that."

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now