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You didn't need to tell him, he already noticed your bleeding when you chugged a cup of water down.

Vasilios cleaned up the mess promptly and then insisted on treating your wound. He started off by sterilizing a pair of tweezers as well as a needle and obtaining a magnifying glass from a cupboard.

"Hey, I already took the glass off!" You told him. He shook his head.

"Stay still." He commanded. Vasilios sat on a stool and set your leg on his lap.

"H-hey, hey, what— OW! SHIT!" Vasilios gently dug into your wound using the clean needle, scraping the remaining glass shards inside. He wiped the rest of the small debris on a piece of facial tissue.

"Do you see it?" You leaned forward, it was quite an amount of fine, reflective specks mixed with your blood. "How could you be so careless?" You yelped in pain when he squeezed the wound to drain some blood so that it pushes the germs out.

"Does he even know what the hell is he doing!?"

"Make sure your foot isn't touching the ground." He slowly pushes your leg off his lap and rose from his seat. He exits the room.

He came back a minute later with a basin filled with clean, warm water. Vasilios lowered your foot into it, within seconds, the water in the basin became tinted red.

You gripped on the blanket tightly as he used both of his hands to wash the blood off your wound. You sharply inhaled when he started lathering antiseptic soap.

"You could have gotten an infection, which will cause tremendous pain and it breaks my heart to see you suffer." All the muscles in your hands contracted all at once, exposing your throbbing veins. You wanted to strangle him so badly so he would be quiet.

"I am in 'tremendous pain' right now!" You hissed in pain when he dabs a cotton soaked in rubbing alcohol on your cut. His eyes moved up to see your face.

"You wouldn't need to go through this if you were careful." He calmly lectured as he prepared a sterile gauze. You bit your tongue when he applied pressure on the wound again to secure it tightly with some clean bandage.

He continued scolding on and on until he finishes the process. Vasilios smiled sweetly at you. "You can't live without me." He gave a quick kiss on your foot.

"...and I can't live without you either." He dreamily continued as his fingers delicately stroke your leg.

You grimace at his behaviour.

He insisted you stay and sleep in his house until next week. You're too tired to protest, so you agreed to it on the condition that you get to retrieve some of your belongings from your apartment.

You changed into your normal clothing: a white t-shirt and a pair of baggy ripped jeans. You used your favourite (and only) pair of flip-flops as footwear.

Vasilios wore the same outfit as this morning: a peach-coloured oxford dress shirt, black flare pants and a pair of combat boots.

You went downstairs to see Hermes standing on a vase, cocking its head at you. You flinched and took a step backwards.

Vasilios emerges from the kitchen. "Hermes."

Upon hearing his master's call, the cockatiel flew to his shoulder. Still wary about the bird, you stayed still.

Vasilios covered his mouth and chuckled. "He learnt his lesson. He won't hurt you anymore." You still didn't trust Hermes, you shrunk yourself in the corner. Vasilios narrowed his eyes at you.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now