High Fever

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Harlowe woke up first, she groggily lifted her head up. She smiled when she saw you sleeping soundly in her arms.

"...like a baby. My baby." She gently pecked you on the forehead. Her large, calloused and tattooed hand slowly brush your loose hairs away your sleeping face.

You groan and stir a bit, your hands roam around trying to find the blanket. Harlowe immediately caught on and pulled the soft fabric over your shoulders.

She chuckled quietly when you relaxed and snuggled into her chest like a pillow.

"Wow. I'm so jealous. Harper gets to wake up to this everyday..." she silently muttered to herself. Harlowe absentmindedly caressed your cheek with her thumb. Harlowe took a deep breath and giggled.

"It's okay, I get to wake up to this everyday too." The blonde gave you a light squeeze. This stimulation would have awaken you up if you weren't so exhausted. You mumbled incoherently and stirred in her hold.

Her hand is colder than the air, so you unconsciously leaned into her touch. Harlowe gave one last kiss on your forehead before carefully and slowly pulling away. She frowned at the coldness that greeted her after successfully removing you in her hold. But it needs to be done, she has work to do.

She sat on the edge of the bed and removed her side of the blanket from her lap.

Wait... something is not right. Harlowe turned around and touched your forehead.

You're burning up!

"Oh, no..." Harlowe pinched the bridge of her nose, out of all the things she forgotten to stock up, it just has to be medicine.

Harlowe is no doctor, but she knows that she needs to keep you awake if there's no medicine to lessen the fever. God knows when will your fever start to fry your brains, if you're asleep when that happens, there's a chance that you'll be sleeping forever.

Well, at least, that's what she thought.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), my love, my sweet sweet baby..." she gently shook you awake. You grumbled and tried to pry your eyes open, your throat feels oddly dry and scratchy. Also, you're feeling a bit warm, why?

"H-huh?" You slurred.

"I need you to stay awake for me, okay? Please stay awake and try to cool yourself down as much as possible. I'll get you something to drink and something cold for your fever." Harlowe kissed you on your forehead.

"I...I'm having a fever?" You asked as your hand moved up to rub the spot she kissed.

It's no surprise. You're barely getting any sleep because of the stress. Combined with the improper foods going into your body and the unfavourable condition that you live in, (Harlowe's coyotes' saliva, unclean tap water, lack of heating/cooling system, Harlowe's terrible hygiene etc) it's no surprise that you'll fall sick within the first few days of living in this unusual hell.

"I'll be back, okay? Please, try your best not to sleep." You weakly nodded in her arms.

"I love you." She whispered before kissing you on the lips.

Harlowe shot out of bed and rushed to the 'kitchen', well, there isn't really a use for a kitchen when all the appliances there are unusable. She only uses the kitchen to store her pots, pans, knives and other cooking utensils.

Whereas you laid back down, putting only the minimum effort to try and open your eyes.


"Harper, I... I screwed up and I need your help... again."

"What did you do now?" Harlowe took a glance at you. You seem to be somewhat cooling down with the wet towel on your forehead, you had enough energy to keep your eyes wide open now.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now