His house

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You were surprised to find out that someone else already paid for your meals. An unreadable expression crossed his face before grabbing your hand and leading you out of the building, into his car.

The star-struck mothers (and some fathers) waved madly at Vasilios as he drove away. You saw the group of children who were once terrified of him, waving as well. Now they looked confused instead.

You saw the corner of his lips turned up a bit. You didn't know whether to take it as a good sign or not.

"Thank you (y/n). I appreciate your altruism earlier." Your ears perked up.

"No probs-" You pursed your lips before you could finish the sentence. "—you can pay me back by going to therapy." You completed it in your thoughts, he noticed that you were staring at him with annoyance in your eyes. Vasilios raised an eyebrow at your twitching.

"There's something in your mind." You opened your mouth and inhaled to speak. However, the thought of the consequences prevented you from doing so. Your eyes returned to the scenery outside.

"What is it that you wish to speak about?" He asked you detected a warning tone in his quiet voice. It was time for you to think fast.

"N-nothing— except this... this isn't the way back home." You honestly do not have the slightest idea where you are at the moment. You bit on your tongue.

A hint of surprise was sprinkled on his concentrated face. "How... observant. Correct, I am not driving towards your home. I am driving towards mine." Panic hits you like a sack of rice.

Your fidgeting increased and your guards were raised way above the roof. If he tries anything, you were ready to bruise your fist again. He chuckled charmingly in response to your reaction.

"I will not do anything you wouldn't like, seeing you're behaving quite well, as of late." He purred.

"My ass, you existing here is already something I wouldn't like." The tension on your shoulders did not disappear. It increased instead. Vasilios paid no mind to it anymore.

You were expecting his home to be something out of a horror movie, secluded in the middle of a forest. You were wrong.

Your eyes widened in shock that he lives in a modest, two-story house in a suburban neighbourhood. You could see the other residents walking their pets, jogging, cycling, gardening and many more. It was bustling with adults and children alike, it is a family-friendly neighbourhood.

"Damn! There are so many people outside, what the hell? Don't they have their own electronics to play with indoors?"

Your jaw dropped when you saw a group of teenagers playing with each other. "Are they... playing with drones!?" You look up and see the small flying machines hovering over them.

The younger children were playing with their electronic scooters and hoverboards, accompanied by people in identical uniforms.

"Are they... nannies?" You mumbled.

"Yes, those who live here generally possesses the capability to afford these luxuries." He exhaled.

"It's a shame. All the money in the world couldn't buy even a minute of their parents' attention." You kept quiet as his face darkens.

Some of the adults waved cheerily at Vasilios, the children? Not really. No matter what age, those who spot him gave a small nod and an uncomfortable, tight-lipped smile. Their posture was stiff too, like a row of soldiers standing still as the general passes by. "Hey... a five-year-old ain't supposed to act like that. Can't blame them though, he really is scary as shit."

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now