Glass Cracking

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A/n: short and rushed chapter, sorry

What is this feeling? Vasilios has never felt such rejection and humiliation from anyone since he escaped the custody of Nancy. For once, in a decade or more, he cried.

He's drowning in sorrow.

He hated it, he hated it so much. He's now vulnerable. Vasilios bit on his inner cheek and clenched his blankets tightly. The sight of his tears dripping on his light-coloured blanket. Why is he feeling like this? Why is he wasting his tears over you?

You're just another insignificant speck to him... right? His anger faded away and turned into guilt, how could he think of you that way? You're obviously special and important to him if you managed to dig out his deep, hidden emotions.

His face became red and hot, he was furious. But at who? For each time he tried to pin a blame on you, he felt wrong. Dead wrong.

He sniffled and sobbed silently, anguish suffocates him every time he tries to dismiss his rage as your fault. No matter how much he tries to make you the villain, guilt and remorse punch him in the abdomen.

He doesn't understand, what triggered this explosive reaction? You just told him that you didn't want to cuddle, why is he overreacting? Why is he crying like a pathetic fool? You're nothing but a trivial tool to him!

A whimper escaped his trembling lips. He laid back down in a fetal position, wrapping himself with the blanket.

Who is he kidding? You're more than that. 'Crucial' is an understatement, you are significantly more important to him. Vasilios is upset at himself for thinking so lowly of you.

A thundering storm brews in him, leaving him to cry his eyes out and shiver under the covers.

He shot up, gasping for air. Vasilios was shocked that the emotional pain was intense enough to for him to faint. His breathing was rapid and short, how long was he out cold for? Where are you?

He wasted no time checking the time on his smartphone. It has been an hour since his sudden mental breakdown and you're nowhere to be seen. Vasilios nervously bit on his lower lip, where could you be? He sighed and turned on the front camera of his phone, his eyes weren't puffy and red anymore.

His fingers run through his silky hair as he sits upright. Where are you?

Vasilios reached for his bathrobe. Millions and millions of thoughts scrambled in his mind every second. He needs to address what happened earlier, was it because of your rejection? Or was it because of the preexisting unhappiness bottled up inside of him decided to break loose?

He certainly doesn't hate you, quite the opposite. He loves you dearly to the point he would do anything for you (if you had the guts to ask in the first place). He took a deep breath.

For sure, you're innocent. You did absolutely nothing wrong, you just didn't feel comfortable with him. But why? Why does he feel so many mixed negative feelings? And why the guilt?

Though he believes that he did nothing wrong either, there is a microscopic doubt within him. It's disturbing and unpleasant to experience, it's constant, soft nagging that he is actually at fault is starting to wear him down.

He sighed again and massaged his temples. What have you done to him?

Also, speaking of you... he's starting to worry about your absence. Vasilios pushed his turmoil away and exit his room.

"(Y/n)?" He called out down the hallway. Remembering that you told him you needed to relieve yourself, he walked towards the bathroom.

"(Y/n)?" He knocked on the bathroom door. The faint hissing of running tap water could be heard, Vasilios pushed the door open.

You whipped your head towards the door with a mouth filled with fresh, cold, tap water. You are fully dressed and sitting on an upside-down bucket, chugging on the running water.

Vasilios shot you a quizzical look. "What were you doing?" You gulped down the water in your mouth.

"Err, I took a piss first. Then I was thirsty. You got some... really crisp water supply." You wiped your mouth with your arm.

"For an hour?" He continued asking, his head was cocked to the side. He held an incredulous expression on his face. You hesitantly nodded.

He stared at you with the same look and you stared back with a startled one.

You slowly turned your head to face the running tap water again.

"(Y/n)!" Vasilios pulled you away by the shoulder and instantly turned the tap off.

He gave you another glass of the isotonic drink you had this morning before breakfast. Vasilios took out a mini water dispenser from his storage and began to sanitize it.

You watch him fill it up with drinkable water, it wasn't directly from the kitchen tap, it was from another tube, connecting to a series of water filters. You raised an eyebrow at the extensive measure.

"This—" Vasilios tapped on the water filters. "—is to ensure lovable simpletons like you—" he flicked you on the forehead. "—don't get ill from waterborne diseases."

He kissed the same spot he flicked. "Or from any additional, toxic chemical compounds." He continued, gently pinching your cheek.

You, blissfully unaware of Vasilios's inner war with himself, awkwardly grinned at him. It made his heart skip a beat.

Actually, in that whole hour, you could have snuck into the kitchen and make multiple calls that can help you. But you weren't that stupid.

You remember seeing a security camera in the corner of the room when Vasilios tackled you to the ground three hours ago. If you are caught on camera using the phone, you will be done for.

Knowing Vasilios's character, it highly likely that he will check the phone logs from time to time.

In that whole hour in his second-floor bathroom, you did not only drink, but also scan the surroundings outside through the window, to get a better scope and form a mental escape route if you couldn't take him anymore.

You also counted the vases, maybe it could come in handy in the future.

Both of you were even, he was oblivious to your activities, you were oblivious to his breakdown.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now