A lead? (Filler chapter)

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A/n: this chapter is skippable. (+ a few easter eggs, but only for those who has been with me for quite a while will get it ;) ) also, short chapter.

"So... you're not here to... be paired up?" A male, asked Lizard.

"Nah bro, I'm here to ask 'bout someone. Heard of this chick?" He slid the paper with (f/n)'s name written on it.

"Ugh her, yeah. She's pretty well-known in the matchmaking community." The male in front of Lizard scrunches his nose in disgust.

"What's wrong with her?"

"First of all, she's pretty stuck up about her matchmaking skills. Like, she's really rude about it." Lizard nodded and signalled him to continue.

"Secondly, she's so cocky that she doesn't ADVERTISE her services at all!" Lizard raised an eyebrow.

"The hell does that mean?"

"She approaches customers that she deem 'worthy' of her services. I mean, her slogan is: 'you don't go to the matchmaker, a good matchmaker goes to YOU!' How arrogant can she be?" The male emphasized on 'you'.

"Man, that's stupid." Lizard wrote down the newly discovered information on the paper with (f/n)'s name on it.

"Anyways, why are you looking for her?" The matchmaker asked him.

"Lookin' for a friend."

Lizard asked a few other matchmakers about (f/n), all of them said the same thing as the first, but could not provide further information.

"Bummer, man." He scratched his head with a pen. Lizard wasn't watching his path, he accidentally bumped into someone, something cold and slippery spilt onto him.

"Dude!" He exclaimed and flick the remaining foodstuff off his arm. Lizard looked at the person who he bumped into.

"Argh! Damn you kid, that ice cream cone was something I looked forward to all week!" It was a homeless man, he was quite upset and disappointed. Lizard felt a pang of guilt in him.

"Sorry, man! C'mon, let me get you another one!" The man's eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Really?" He asked.

"Sure dude, it's my fault for not watchin' where I'm going. C'mon, there's a cool cafe nearby!"

Lizard bought the homeless man a full meal and a large dish of banana split. Both of them sat down in Silverstone Cafe.

"Would you like anything else, sirs?" A friendly, female waitress asked. Lizard squinted his eyes at her nametag, it says Kiera.

"Naw, it's cool. Thanks, Cara." Lizard grinned while Kiera flashed an uncomfortable smile before walking away. Lizard was left wondering if he did something wrong.

"T-thank you, kid... I-I.." he wiped the tears off his eye.

"How can I repay you?" The dishevelled man asked.

"No probs, man. You can repay me by tellin' me your story!" The man widened his eyes

"M-me? There isn't anything special 'bout me..." Lizard shook his head.

"No way dude, I see the lines on your face and they tell like... a zillion stories. Okay, maybe let's start with our names. Mine's Lizard T-boy, the proud owner of Lizard's shop of gifts!" He beat his chest twice.

"You're nice, kid. I'm Clarence, Clarence Withers. You can call me uncle Clarence." Clarence started digging into his meal. "I... was an ex-detective." Lizard felt the shame in his voice.

"That's cool, dude! Maybe you can help me with my stuff right now!" Clarence's ears perked up.

"What can a dusty old man do?" He chuckled.

"Okay, okay, so, you heard of this chick?" He showed the paper with (f/n)'s name on it.

Clarence chewed and swallowed before answering. "Sorry, kid. I can't say I have— wait a minute... (f/n)(friend's last name)?" He took the paper from Lizard's hand.

"If I'm not wrong, someone with that last name has a criminal record.... ah! Yes, (friend's sister's name)(f/l/n)! I forgot what is she in for, but I do remember that last name." He gave it back to Lizard.

Lizard quickly wrote the new information down.

"Can you remember any personal details 'bout her?" Clarence tapped his chin.

"Yeah, oh wait! I remember now, she was charged with dine 'n dash in some kind of.... ten-star restaurant? I forgot the name of the restaurant, though."

Lizard furiously wrote the new information down.

"Yeah... that's all I can give about the (f/l/n) family. Sorry, I couldn't help much."

"Naw dude! You're doing great! Thank you so much!" He extended his hand for Clarence to shake. The older male smiled and shook it firmly.

"Anytime, kid."

"Anyways, bro. Gotta dash!" Lizard slaps down a few, ten-dollar notes on the table before leaving the homeless man to enjoy his proper meal.

"Man, that Clearance dude is pretty chill." Lizard proudly walked down the street with the newly discovered information.

"I'm gonna get my music box back!" Determination flowed through Lizard's veins.

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