Checking up

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"Oh! Uh..." this was an awkward situation. Your phone rang in the middle of an 'intimate' moment between both of you. His eyes darken again, you pray that it is someone acceptable to him. With a trembling hand, you pulled your phone out of your pocket. "Please don't be Brandy, please don't be Brandy, please—"

You looked at the caller's ID, it was (f/n). You wanted to sigh in relief so badly, but that would only make Vasilios more suspicious. "Who is calling you?" He was quite upset that the call ruined his 'intimate' moment with you.

"(F-(f/n). Our uh... matchmaker." He was still visibly upset, but not as much as before. You guess that (f/n) receives a better treatment because she was the one who introduced you to him. "C-can I please answer it..?"

"Oh (y/n), I don't know either. Can you, darling?" He gave you a mischievous smirk. It took you every ounce of self-control in your body to stop your fist from colliding against his face. "M-may I please answer it?" You gave a tight-lipped smile.

"Yes, you...may." All of a sudden he burst into a mini fit of giggles. "My apologies, force of habit, darling." You wanted to rip his face off so badly, but you simply just cannot. "Damn English teachers. But that was really out of character for him..." You pressed the 'accept' icon and brought your device to your ear.


"Hey! How are you doin? Heard that hunk is taking you on a date today."

"Doing fine, thanks for asking."

"Date's in an amusement park, yes? Got on any rides so far?"

"Tunnel of Love and the Ferris Wheel." You noticed that Vasilios was staring somewhere else, seemingly occupied in his thoughts.

"Aww, that's sweet. Heard that you got him a gift. Is that true?"

"Yes." You heard a 'tsking' sound from (f/n).

"Ooh! You are so mild today! What's gotten into you, finally got lovesick?" You covered your mouth to keep your privacy.

"I am being held hostage, (f/n). I am so going to beat the shit out of you when I see you." You hissed through your gritted teeth. A loud guffaw boomed through the call.

"That's nice, (y/n). Say, pass me to him, would ya? I'd like to talk to him." You removed the phone from your ear and handed it to Vasilios. Luckily he accepts it without any further complications.

"Speak." That was all he said when he placed the phone next to his ear. "Wow, what a cunt. Not even a hello? Just 'speak'?" You couldn't hear exactly what was said.

"...I see, thank you for informing me." He grabbed your hand and pulled you along. You didn't realize that the ride has ended and the staff opened the door to the pod. Vasilios continued listening on to (f/n) rambling through the phone while pulling you along with him to the next ride. You were unnerved because he did not reply to anything (f/n) said, he just listens. You assume that he was getting more sensitive info about you.

He then came to a halt and returned the phone to you. Seeing that (f/n) was still on the line, you asked her, "What the hell did you tell him!?"

"Oh, no need to worry. I'm just giving my customer the stuff he paid for. Heads up, he'll be visiting you a lot more after today."

"What!?— agh." (F/n) hung up without any further explanation. You kept your phone away, this made Vasilios carry on walking to the next destination he has in mind. "Wh-where are we going?"

He did not answer.

You munched on a large burrito he bought for you. Surprisingly, he did not seem to mind much about correcting your eating etiquette this time. "Maybe he does that in high-end restaurants." He nibbled on a simple ham sandwich he bought for himself. You wonder why did he choose something so plain for himself while you had something filling and flavourful.

Although it was just a ham sandwich, he ate it in a manner so graceful that it made you feel ashamed of yourself. No, he did not eat it with a knife and a fork, nothing that extraordinary. Vasilios took small bites at a time, his fingers gingerly holding on to the body of the sandwich with the wrapper to protect his skin.

Unlike you, his elbows are not on the table and he is sitting straight. You notice that he chews exactly fifteen times before taking another small bite off his small meal. "Well, at least he doesn't force me to count my chews this time."

All of the sudden, he stopped and stared at you. Knowing him long enough, that is an indication you did something that displeases him. You looked at the scarf that he wrapped around your neck to hide the hickey. "Oh crap, I spilled stuff on it." You were about to apologize, but he hushed you before you could start.

"That scarf belongs to you now. You'll be wearing it often." He dabbed your mouth with a piece of tissue. "Your petty container of concealer powder is simply, not enough." His voice was low and quiet. As usual, his face was unreadable.

"I can't tell if he is implying he is going to give me more hickeys or beat me up. Hopefully its neither and he's just worried about me getting sunburnt." You stayed still as he lightly wiped the food off your face.

You had a nagging question at the back of your mind. But you were unsure whether asking it will cause an adverse effect. In the end, you decided not to ask what did he see in you. "He's probably going to kill me or give a half baked answer."

He was already finished with his sandwich. His full attention on you made you uncomfortable, you decided to finish up your meal quickly to get it over with.

Once you are done, Vasilios cleaned up after you and himself before walking away with your wrist in his hand. You were starting to feel more like a dog in a leash instead of a date. Vasilios was bringing you to the exit, you frowned deeply.

You were disappointed, to say the least. You did not get to go on any of the rides you wanted. "No cotton candy, no bumper cars, no water slides, no haunted ride, no Galactic Adventure and no Barf Master 3000. What kind of amusement park date is this? Bummer... At least I wasn't the one who paid for the tickets."

"Please do wake up on time tomorrow. I will be sending you to work." He lets go of your hand and started peeling the wristband off.


"Should there be a reason why I would not?"

"Because, uh...-" you weren't sure if it will be worth it. Your logic (which is any sane person's logic) obviously does not go well with Vasilios's logic. "...I...e-er." Your nervous, expression did not amuse him. He remained silent as he unlocked his car and opened the passenger's door.

You went in. He shuts the door and enters the car through the driver's door. You flinch when the door locks activated. You gave up and did not speak to him for the rest of the ride, neither did he.

At the corner of your eye, you notice a certain, tiny gift box in the cupholder. "Considering the hell I went through to get that, I want that music box for myself now..."

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now