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Living with Vasilios is so much better than living with Harlowe. You get a warm bed, a nice house, clean water, good food and a neat, disease free environment. You missed it, you missed his mowed lawn, you missed his cooking, you missed Hermes, you missed his vases...

You missed Vasilios.

After being rescued, everyone was rushed to the hospital to have a medical diagnosis.

Out of everyone, obviously you and Harlowe had the worst. Thor managed to survive because the fat around his chest protected the bullet from penetrating his heart. But it did crush a rib bone.

In the end, Lizard became permanently deaf in his right ear. His inability to pronounce names correctly worsened.

As for Harlowe, the bullet punctured the bottom half of her left lung. She's still alive, but she needed a respirator to breathe for now.

You? The list was long. Almost all your wounds were infected, squrting pus and causing gangrene too. Your (dominant leg) knee cap was fractured and both ankles were severely sprained, you couldn't move your lower torso.

They also found clusters of parasites in your gastrointestinal tract, which then, had to be flushed out. How? By gastric suction, a tube must be inserted through your mouth. Your colon also suffered the same fate, the tube needed to go from 'south' too.

You were half blind for a few days because of the damage done to your right eye, a coyote actually sliced open the cornea.

That's not the end yet. You were also administered six vaccine shots.

In all honesty, you wanted to die. You didn't have the energy to face Vasilios's hysterical reaction when he's reunited with you again, but what can you do? You can't run away and he's obviously paying for your medical bills.

All you could do is sigh as he cried loudly on your shoulder. Maybe a do a little pat on his back as he holds you tightly in his arms.

He never left your side, he stayed with you in the hospital, 24/7. He even slept there, not on a bed, but laying his head on yours. You shook your head at the action, he's going to have a really bad back pain, especially with that height.

The government cleaned up that abandoned camping area, abolishing Harlowe's illegal home and bunker. They found her stock of essentials, after they deemed it safe to use and consume, it was donated out to homeless shelters.

They did some animal control around the area, the population of coyotes greatly lessened and now it reclaimed its name as a 'popular' camping ground for families. It won't be abandoned anytime soon, they'll be sure to keep the Coyote population in check.

Your case made headlines, it was so bizarre that Lizard and Thor committed a relatively minor crime of stealing Harold White's scooter to rescue you from your abductor. With MANY rounds of gunfire.

The shock was mostly felt by Vasilios, Thor's parents and Harold. A 'useless', obese man who used to stay at his parents home, playing video all day in his dark room risked his life to save someone he barely knows?

That is such a noble, honourable and selfless thing to do.

...Vasilios ended up forgiving Thor and pleaded Harold not to press charges against him. The Smiths and Vasilios even offered to pay for the damaged caused during this whole ordeal.

Fortunately, Harold was also proud of Thor's transition and agreed not to send him to jail. He didn't even request the Smiths to compensate, he's happy that Thor finally 'bloomed'.

Lizard also gets to go scot-free with his shop all fixed and ready. Also, the table Boss promised was delivered to his home on the same day he was released from his holding cell.

Thor and Lizard stayed as best friends, Thor even moved in with Lizard and formed a partnership with him. Now, the shop is renamed to 'Lizard's and Thor's shop of gifts and collectibles' where Lizard sells his gifts and Thor sells his impressive collection of Revenger related merchandice.

The Smiths didn't take it too well, though. They bawled their eyes out when they saw Thor packing his items up. They tried nearly everything in the book to keep Thor in. From laughing at him, believing that he can't survive without them, to yelling, to crying, to threatening, to begging and finally... their last resort, requesting Vasilios to discourage him from moving out.

It backfired because Vasilios ends up telling Mr and Mrs Smith off rather harshly for not letting Thor grow up even though he's already thirty one. The married couple felt
two intense slaps to the face when Vasilios called them 'toxic' and 'hypocrites'. They sighed and kept quiet, letting their overgrown son go.

Thor shot them a smug smile before stepping out of his house.

You refused to testify on the day of Harlowe's trial, you refuse to remember the things that happened to you. You refused to relive what happened.

You refused to look at Harlowe.

The injuries, Thor's, Lizard's and Boss's testimonies were enough to prove her guilty of abduction and two counts of attempted murder. Oddly enough, Harper was not charged for witholding crucial information from the police. Ah, the perks of having many 'friends'.

Harlowe was deemed mentally unfit to be in prison, so she was sent to live in a mental asylum until her behavior 'improves' tremendously.

However, seeing her unstable state after she recovered from the punctured lung, it's unlikely that she would ever be out from the institute. She was rabid, deranged, foaming at the mouth, trying to get out of the ward just to see you again. She wouldn't calm down and had to be sedated with a tranquilizer dart to be contained.

Oh well, that's her unhappy ending. Overall, everyone became happier.

Oh! And Vasilios re-earned his money by successfully selling hundreds of thousands copies of his new books. Five new books he wrote up to distract him from his grief of your absence.

All that money, only to be spent on your medical bills.

Now he has to write five more books to get it all back. But, it's alright, it's his passion and he has a bucket of fresh ideas on what to write. He's also fleshing out to other genres as well, such as horror, tragedy, mystery and action.

You're his muse and his biggest inspiration.

As much as he hated it, he also wrote up a short story with Lizard as the 'ruggedly handsome' protagonist in an action filled, nonsensical, childish plot to show his appreciation for bringing you back somewhat safe and sound.

It surprised him to no end that it generated more revenue than his eroticas. Vasilios had to lie down in order to recover from the shock and tsunami of mixed feelings towards his audiences' reaction on the absurd story.

At least it helped fill up his bank account quickly.

You? You had time to reflect on what happened. This all happened within a month and you're scared of what awaits you next.

You shook your head, how did this all happen? How did it escalate to such degree?

Well, it started with a simple dinner date.

A blind one, set up by your (ex)friend.


Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now