Tough luck

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Edit: fixed a plothole

"Hecking heck, Liz! She has a gun!" Thor quietly hissed at he taller male as he pointed at Harlowe's figure moving closer to her home. She's adopting a defensive posture with her shotgun.

"Gross, dude. Who the hell uses 'hecking heck' these days? What are ya, a five year old?" Lizard retorted.

"Shut it!" Thor jabbed him by the rib. Both males stood still and watch the blonde from afar.

Harlowe felt the hairs on her neck stand up, something isn't right. Where are all her coyotes? They're supposed to be guarding the area but now they're gone? Harlowe was sure to feed them before going into the hatch, they couldn't possibly out hunting... even if they are, only a few should be away. Not the whole pack.

She sighed and shook her head along with the feeling of uncertainty. She needs to focus on getting the medicine and the thermometer.

"Eww!" Thor half yelled, luckily it's not loud enough to alert the blonde.

"Dude! Shut up! She's gonna hear us!" Lizard hissed.

"You try getting coyotes licking your buttcrack!" Once again, Lizard's luck (and Thor's misfortune) came to the rescue.

Thor actually sat on some food grease earlier at home, so there's a pungent emitting from his pants. Specifically the area between his buttocks. Combined with his strong 'musk', it intrigued the coyotes.

They didn't see him as food, but they did see him as a confusion. Most of them gather around him to either enjoy his bafflingly pleasant smell or lap up the stain. Thor wasn't exactly sure if he liked it or hated it. However, it is weird.

The coyotes were wagging their tail as they take turns to smell Thor's bottom.

"Bro, what do ya think she's doin'?" Lizard asked Thor.

"As if I know— hey!" The coyotes kept poking their nose into his rear. Thor tried to push them away but they ended up licking Thor's hand.

"Stop! Shoo shoo!" Thor tried to swat them away, the coyotes just 'smiled' and continue licking him.

"Ughh... I need a shower..." Thor grumbled as he felt his pants getting soaked in slobber.

Lizard ignored him, his eyes were trained on the Blonde who is now stepping into the trailer home.

"Damn, where did she come from? Like she just appeared outta nowhere, holdin' a gun like it's the zombie apocalype or something." Lizard mumbled.

"Liz, I don't care. Like, just grab Mister Vasilios's fiancee and get outta here! H-hey! Stop!" One coyote started dry humping on Thor's short legs.

"Ugh." It escaped his lips softly as he accepted his fate for now. Thor stood still and let the canines do whatever they want.

"What are we—" Lizard clamped a hand on Thor's very greasy mouth.

"Shh! Shh! Look! She's comin' out with some stuff in her hand!" Lizard and Thor oogled at the sight of Harlowe rushing to a direction before disappearing into one of the bushes.

"Thorsky buddy, stay here and seduce the dogs. I'll dive right in." Lizard patted his head.

"Seduce the— oh whatever, just— hurry up!" Thor crossed his arms across his chest as one started digging its nose into his buttocks again. Lizard was about to step out into the open but then, he halted.

"What's the hold up!?" Thor complained.

Lizard turned around and handed him something. "Here dude, don't hesitate to use it if ya get in trouble." Thor furrowed his eyebrows at its weight, it's heavy and somewhat warm.

"What's tha— a gun!?" His face paled, this is the first time touching one and seeing it up close. It felt so intimidating to him, this can easily take a life away and he's not ready for that thing yet.

"Where the hell did you even keep them!? I didn't see a belt on you!" Thor's eyes bulge at the deadly weapon.

"I kept it in my underwear, man. That's why its so toasty!" Lizard proudly claimed. Thor grimaced at the thought of touching something has come in contact with Lizard's bare rear.

"Bro, you're like, super nice to me and I love you. Please do me a solid and don't die on me, man." Lizard patted his shoulder before rushing away

"We just met two days ago!" Thor half yelled. It fell on deaf ears. The shorter male shook his head and rolled his eyes before bringing his attention onto the gun again.

"...I guess Captain Wisconsin uses guns too..." He muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, Thor felt a quick, sharp, piercing pain on his left butt cheek. He yelped a bit and tried to control his voice. Luckily it's not that loud. Unfortunately, he dropped his gun and it went missing in the dense vegetation.

"Ow! You jerks!" He hissed. He felt a bit of blood trickling down his leg, but oddly less than he expected.

Well, today is the day of firsts. This is the first time he held a gun, this is the first time he stole something, this is the first time he stayed outside this long and now, is the first time he got bitten by a coyote.

Thor sighed at the thought of vaccines needed to be administered to him after this.

He  twisted his torso, trying to have a good look at which canine sunk their teeth in.

But no. It wasn't... a bite. Not at all. It was something that sent chills down Thor's spine.

It was a throwing dagger. The blade is stuck in his flesh while the hilt plugs the wound.

"Dang, she's pretty irresponsible leaving her home unlocked like that..." Lizard scratched the back of his head, holding a gun in his dominant hand as he roam inside. His plan was to call the police and lead them to Harlowe's hiding spot.

He knew roughly where Harlowe hid, as in, which bush did she disappear to. Now, he just needs to call the police for them to trace his location. He has absolutely no idea where this place is.

"Phone... phone..." Lizard's eyes scanned the surroundings, he took note of the posters covering almost every inch of the walls.

"Ah! Phone!" Lizard grinned as he sees a burner phone laying on the kitchen counter.

"Huh..." he's surprised that there's still reception here, Harlowe must have used this phone to communicate with her sister.

"Damn cops, they could have solve this shit..." Lizard grumbled as he thinks about their incompetency.

He picked it up and quickly dialed nine-one-one. Lizard brought it up to his ear and crossed his fingers.

He lets out a sigh of relief when he heard the click, that means someone's picking up.

"...nine-one-one, what's your emergency?" The operator sounded calm.

"That (mispronunciation of your name) chick is here—"


Lizard froze, it took him a moment to realize that the phone and his gun was shot out of his hands. The phone is now on the ground in thousands of pieces. Similar to the condition of your phone on the highway whereas his gun is not as damaged.

But it's on the ground, far away from him, leaving Lizard to be vulnerable.

He touched his ear with a shaky hand, the bullet rendered him deaf in his right ear. Lizard can't hear himself snapping his fingers, he can only hear a continuous high-pitched buzz.

How unlucky, it also grazed the shell of it, now he's bleeding profusely. But he can't feel the pain yet, he's still too shocked to register it in his brain.

"You're out of luck, Lizard." The male shuddered at the cold voice and equally cold metal pressed against his head. The male raised his arms up as Harlowe glared at his form.

Tough luck.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now