It came back to bite you

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A/n: short and rushed chapter

Boss and you were still quite shaken after what happened. Both of you silently worked without saying another word.

You know there's a lot going through her head, you had a trainwreck in your mind too.

As time ticks on, the dread at the bottom of your stomach grew. You still had to face the unstable man soon. You and your boss's train of thoughts were broken when someone came into the shop.

You jolted, thinking its Vasilios. But no.

"Green girl!" A familiar, surfer boy pointed at you. You furrowed your eyebrows, who is this man? You felt like you saw him before.

"Hello, welcome to Boss's carpentry! What can we do for you today?" Boss greeted him.

"I want my music box back, dude!" He faced you. The realisation hits you like a brick. You stared at him and stood up from your chair.

"'Scuse me for a while, boss." You lead Lizard out of the building where you know Boss wouldn't hear the both of you.

"What do you mean you want the box back!? I bought it from you!" You hissed.

He scrunched his nose. "Well, I'm here to buy it back from you, dudette! I got the devil's lettuce, twenty bucks worth, right? I'll even give you an extra forty, just give it back, man!" You placed your hands on your hips.

"No! I gave it to someone else already, and how the hell do you know where I work!?" You half yelled.

"I got contacts, chick. I need that thing back, that's like worth a zillion bucks or something!" You stared at him with great incredulity. He rolled his eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Okay, dude. Maybe not a zillion dollars. B-but its like— my great, greater, greatest grandma's shit, man! I regret selling it!" He threw his arms in the air.

"Sorry bud, but I can't give it back to you." You pitied him.

"Why not, dude?"


"(Y/n), Who is this?" Your eyes widened when an eerily quiet voice reaches your ear.

"He your boyfriend?" Lizard brazenly pointed at him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Vasilios's voice had a menacing growl to it.

"Ooh dudette, you got a pretty boy!"
Lizard dramatically placed a hand on his own chest.

"Anyways, did you get like, a super-duper cool music box from your girl?" He pointed at you.

"That is none of your concern." Vasilios coldly replied.

"Um, sir. It is my concern. I wanna buy it back. Its a family um... what do you call it— Hair room!" He meant heirloom.

Vasilios was fuming, it's a gift from his beloved darling. There is no way in hell he'll entertain this pathetic fool in front of him.

"Ignore him." He told you and turned around to his car. You did what you were told and followed Vasilios.

"Hey, chick! Don't you want your bag of grass back?" You stopped in your tracks, if Vasilios knows that you're working with Brandy too, you'll have another problem.

Vasilios watches you turned to Lizard from his car window. He's already seated in the driver's side.
The long-haired male raised an eyebrow. What's stopping you?

"That's right, hey lover boy! Did you know what did she pay me to get you that gift?" This caught Vasilios's attention.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up." You mumbled through your gritted teeth. Your pace quickened.

Lizard brought up the bag of cannabis, Vasilios squinted his eyes in an attempt to identify what is in the small plastic bag.

"She bought me a bag of w—" your fist collided against his face. It was like watching a movie in slow motion, your worried eyes identified Lizard's shock-stricken expression as your fist pushes in deeper to his cheek. You mouthed: "I'm sorry."

Vasilios eyes widened as he watches the scene unfold.

The force was so excessive that it knocked him out cold. It even made a tooth come flying out of his mouth. You breathe in and out heavily as you watch his limp body on the concrete floor.

A mixture of blood from his nose and excess saliva pooled around his face.

You quickly conceal the bag of cannabis in one of his shirt pockets and checked if he still has a pulse. You were relieved that there still is. "I'm sorry Lizard T-boy. I'll make it up to you next time."

You grimace when you saw that a nasty, dark bruise is starting to form on the left side of his face. Moreover, his left eye is now swollen shut, just how much force was packed into that single punch?

You used the rest of your adrenaline to drag his whole body away from the front of the shop to the side, so that It won't cause suspicion towards other passerbys. "Ew, ew, ew." Some of his blood got onto your hands, you resorted to wiping it on his shirt.

Vasilios could NOT believe his eyes.

You ran back towards his car and sat in the passenger's seat like nothing happened. Finally, you were starting to feel the throbbing pain on your dominant hand. You might have also broken a bone or two.

Doesn't matter, you can manage. Its still better than letting Vasilios know about your other job.

You were glad that the male beside did not question you either.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now