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"Lady! Calm down!" Lizard had the audacity to say that to someone incredibly unstable like Harlowe. She wanted to rip his eyes out of his skull so badly, but she's still struggling to take control of her shot gun.

Harlowe's vision became blurry with tears, she can't go to you as soon as possible because Lizard has her gun! She'll be dead before she can step out and see you one last time.

She hates this. She hated how useless she felt right now.

"Lady! Stop it!" Thor yelled from behind. She whipped her head to see a very injured and exhausted Thor. Her piercing green eyes reminded him of Vasilios.

He still haven't truly gotten over his fear of the man yet.

"P-p-please...?" He continued.

"Trotskey! Dude, go away! You're gonna get killed!" Lizard yelled at him. Harlowe took the opportunity to elbow him in the face, knocking him down to the ground. But not making him unconscious.

Harlowe finally took full control of her shotgun and pointed at Thor. She spent no time pulling the trigger again—


Only to find out she's out of bullets.

Thor pointed his gun at her with trembling arms. Harlowe rolled her eyes and threw her shotgun aside. She raised her hands up and gave him a nonchalant look.

"Shoot." She curtly replied as she takes a step further. From the look of Thor, he won't. Even if he 'accidentally' pulled on the trigger, it won't hit her, it's not even pointing at her face! At most, she'll get a graze wound, not a bullet hole. This is obviously his first time handling a gun.

"I-I-I-I- W-w-w—" Lizard stuck his hand his his underwear, no, it's not because he's feeling a bit 'excited', it's so that he could feel his gun.

Lizard quietly cursed to himself when he remembered it was shot out of his hand earlier.

"Do it, boy. Shoot me." Harlowe taunted the shivering, injured male. She grimaced at the yellowish liquid trickling down his legs, but she didn't comment anything about it.

Lizard looked around, where is it!? Although it's damaged, it should still be useful enough to protect Thor from that madwoman!

Lizard knows that Thor doesn't have the heart to shoot. But if he doesn't shoot now, Harlowe is going to snatch it away from him!

"Damn it!" Lizard wince in pain as he forced himself up, he needs to stop Harlowe from approaching Thor.

"Wha—Ow!" Thor yelped as Harlowe grabbed his arm, twisted it and snatch the weapon away. This is all done within a fraction of a second, too fast for Thor to even comprehend what was going on.


Thor screamed bloody murder when Harlowe shot him in the chest.

"Thor!" Lizard shrieked as he watches his best friend collapse to the ground, laying limp in his own puddle of blood. The blonde did not care, all she wants to do now is to eradicate all the threats.

One down, one to go. Harlowe cocked the gun and directed it to Lizard.

Lizard couldn't bear to look at her, all he did was stare at his best friend on the ground. What an idiot! Why didn't he shoot when he had the chance!? Why did he allow Harlowe to take the gun away from him!?

The taller male sobbed as he heard Harlowe's boots getting closer and closer to him.

Oh well, at least he has someone to be with when he's "up there." Thor was nice to him and he believes that he'll still be nice to him in the afterlife. Lizard closed his eyes and cowered in fear, bringing his hands up to his head.

"Bless your soul, Lizard." Harlowe spat as her fingers tightened around the trigger.

"Bless your soul." She repeated.


...Lizard didn't feel it.

He didn't feel the pain of the bullet, is he dead? Can he see his best friend, Thor, again?

Lizard hesitantly opened his eyes to see Harlowe frozen on the spot, panic-stricken and pale. Her lower lip trembled as she fell backwards to reveal you in an awful condition holding a dented gun in your dominant hand. You were leaning against the wall for support as it looked like you have dislocated some bones in your legs.

Lizard's jaw dropped as he saw your panting, exhausted and extremely bruised figure stumble towards the bleeding Blonde. Lizard frowned at the puddle of blood forming at the bottom of his shoe, coming entirely from Harlowe.

"...(y-y-y/n)..." she shakily whispered. Suddenly, she started gasping rapidly for air and sobbing in pain.

Not because of the pain from the bullet wound, but the pain of seeing the only person 'loved' her for who she is despising Harlowe enough to plant a bullet in her lung.

Why? Is this her destiny? To never be loved? To die alone without even saying thank you and goodbye to her sister? To die in the hands of the person she loved with all her heart?

Why her? Why her...?

You knelt down next to her and looked into her bloodshot, emerald eyes.

"...I-I don't—don't want to-to die—" you grimace when she starts to cough out droplets of blood, she cried and tried to grab your hand. You grumbled as you held it.

" you'll be fine, dramatic bitch." You gently pat her cheek. Harlowe tried to control her breathing, but she can't. She's gasping for air, she knew that these are her last few breaths before leaving.

"Th-the hell are the cops...?" You mumbled while looking at Lizard's direction.

"(Y/..n), I-I know I-I'm not a good girlfriend... b-but I—" She coughed more blood out.

"Save it, just try to... to stay awake." You gave her a dismissive wave. You're still light headed from your fever.

"...b-but y-you are the best girlfriend a-anyone could have asked for..." Harlowe wheezed out, you scan around. Wondering where are the police, you couldn't care less that Harlowe's dying in your arms, you just wanted to go home a drink a glass of water before going to sleep.

"...y-you made me feel sp-special and l-loved, I— I... even if it wa-was just a- a few days, I w-was happy to b-be with you... you made me the happiest woman a-alive..." you stared back at her as she brought up a hand to cup your face.

"Why is this bitch not sleepy yet?" You're tired of hearing people lamenting. Especially from Harlowe.

"I...I wanted to be with y-you forever, but then... I g-guess y-you hated me..." she lets out a sad, raspy laugh.

"...I'd rather die t-than live, kno-knowing that you don't l-love me at all... I'm s-sorry, baby..." she caressed your cheek.

"...I failed you..." she sobbed loudly. You spared a glance at Lizard, he's with Thor. You furrowed your eyebrows, Thor looked... fine? He's standing up and talking with Lizard now.

"...but no matter w-what, I'll always l-love you and you're always w-welcome to stay w-with me in the afterlife... if there is an af-afterlife..." She gulped and used the last bit of her strength to tuck a strand of hair behind your sliced ear.

"...I wish we m-met under different circumst-circumstances..." more tears of anguish rush out from her puffy eyes.

"I... Love you. Thank you for making t-the past few days s-special for m-me... I'll always accept y-you with open a-arms..." Harlowe's eyes slowly drooped down until its fully covered.

She lets out one last breath before drifting off to 'sleep'. Before she could fully enter the other realm, she heard faint sounds of sirens.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now