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Thor was panting and wheezing for air. The stain on his pants is now barely noticable because his whole body is drenched in sweat. Everything is soaked, at least he feels less embarrassed about himself now.

"L-Lizard! We-we've been walking for hours, where is that stupid bus stop!?" Thor shouted in between wheezes.

"Calm down brother, we've been walking for like two minutes." Lizard continued moving forward.

"Two minutes my foot! I have a hecking watch! We've been walking for two hours you jerk!" Thor caught up to him and slapped his arm.

"Dude, I noticed that you don't swear, why?" Lizard asked Thor.

"Because mommy and Mister Vasilios will be disappointed in me!" Lizard snorted.

"You call your mom Mammy?" Thor gritted his teeth and blushed in embarrassment.

"S-shut up! Where are we even going!?" Thor wheezed.

"I'm tellin ya, to the bus stop!"

"Lies! You said that it's a mile away and we've been walking for like... six miles!" Thor yelled, feeling extra irritated because of the heat.

"Dude, you don't know that." Lizard deadpanned. Thor spluttered in disbelief.

"W-wha-what!? I have a fricking fitness tracker for pete's sake! Look! We walked around ten kilometers already, that's like six miles!" He squealed and huffed.

"That's great! You gotta lose some flab, Shore!"

"Where the heck are we!? It's all desert here!" Thor grabbed onto Lizard's arm, forcing him to stop walking.

"And how are you not sweating like a pig!? Ugh, I'm like... gross..." Lizard grimace at his stench.

Frankly, Lizard doesn't know either. Both of them are lost, what's worse is, that one cactus looks very familar. They're probably walking around in circles.

Lizard is severely dehydrated, but he can't make his new friend worry! He's taking lead! But... Lizard feels like he's going to pass out from a heatstroke any minute now.

"Aaany second now..." Lizard mumbled to himself, usually in dire situations like these, lady luck would come and save him. However, the only drawback is that he won't remember how. This is how he managed to get (f/n)'s initial location before coming into Brandy's farm all beaten up and bloody.

"Ugh, I should have- Lizard!" Thor screamed as his legs gave in. He collapsed and crashed onto the scorching sand.

"Liz! Liz!" Thor shook him vigorously, the movement made the sweat droplets on his body spray onto Lizard's face.

"Oh no..." Thor chewed on his chubby fingers in fear, is he dead?

The shorter male removed his fitness tracker and placed it on Lizard's wrist. "Please let there be a pulse, please let there be a pulse-"

Thor screamed when Lizard's arm shot out to grab his leg.

"Hey, I'm not dead, man. I'm just having a heatstroke, get me outta this sun..." He slurred before closing his eyes. The last thing he remembered was Thor screaming his name on the top of his lungs.

"Argh! What the hell!?" Lizard coughed, he's choking on the sudden splash of ice-cold water on his face.

"You're alive!" Thor happily cheered.

"Duude... like, did you piss on me? Where did you get the water from?" Lizard asked, rubbing the water off his eyes. He could still hear the water trickling onto a soft surface.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now