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"He-hey now, l-lets t-talk about th-this, umm... Hadi." Lizard stammered as Harlowe pressed the barrel of the shotgun against his head.

"You'll ruin everything. I can't let this happen. (Y/n) is mine." She growled.

"Hey! Hey! W-who says I'm here for that chick!? I-I ain't—"

"I don't believe in a god or an afterlife. But, Bless your soul, Lizard." Her finger wrapped around the trigger, about to blast Lizard brains out. Lizard closed his eyes and took a deep breath, praying to his lady luck that he'll miraculously survive this.


Harlowe widened her green, baggy eyes as she felt her blood from the ankles turning to ice.

That was your scream. Along with the maniac barks and howls of her coyotes.

"(Y/n)!?" She yelled and made the mistake of lowering the weapon down, which gave Lizard the perfect opportunity to attempt and wrestle the shotgun away from her.

A struggling fight ensued, multiple bullets were fired in all different directions.


"Why did you scream!? Now the lady and coyotes are gonna know you're out!" Thor hissed at you and felt a pang of worry when he kept on hearing gunshots and yelling within the trailer home. He's worried about Lizard getting hurt, he's the only true friend he ever had in his life.

Yeah, they met for two days but now they're willing to die for eachother.

"L...Listen here, you sweaty bitch." Thor frowned at the offensive name you called him as you struggled to keep your head up. You're extremely drowsy due to the effects of the paracetamol, moreover, you used almost every ounce of your energy climbing up the metal ladder.

Harlowe made another foolish mistake of leaving the hatch slightly ajar while rushing out to 'exterminate' the threat. There were so many times where you could have fallen and gotten a severe concussion.

"Aaany... moment now, I-I'm gonna co...collapse, okay...?" Thor gulped and nodded. He eyed the Coyotes that are jogging towards the both of you.

"I fre...freed your ass n-not for ya to bitch about screaming. Call the...the damn police." You slurred, stumbling around before using the trunk of a tree as support.

You screamed because you thought it would distract Harlowe a bit, you thought and hope that would help Lizard in some way. And it did, he's not dead thanks to you.

You initially found Thor tied up on the wrist and ankles with two zipties and he was sitting on one of Harlowe's throwing daggers. He was gagged with a handful of crumpled posters, luckily you found him earlier or else he might have died from suffocation. It was shoved so deep into his throat that he vomited upon removal.

You had to make him roll over so you could extract the knife from his buttock while you're in a lethargic state. You ignored the smell, sweat, blood and grease on your hands.

Thor had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from screeching.

You were in luck, after Harlowe finished immobilizing Thor, she marched towards the trailer. Which then, all the coyotes followed her, guarding the entrance and around the trailer. You had time to free Thor by cutting the zip ties.

Of course, you weren't alert enough that you accidentally cut through the flesh on his arm. You were surprised that he could hold in his screams of pain in fears of getting discovered by Harlowe.

Odd enough, he didn't bleed as much as you thought. Why? Because, the knife pierced through his fat. Not his flesh. Yes, it pierced through his skin but that's it, he will definitely NOT die from blood loss. Maybe he would die from severe infections such as sepsis, but you knew it won't be that quick. At least there's enough time to save both you and Thor.

Also Lizard.

The coyotes tackled you to the ground, you screamed louder as they claw on you, bite you and mauled you with their powerful limbs.

You're sure to walk out with a number of injuries, maybe even a few broken bones or a failed organ. Well, you can only know after you get out of this mess.

Harlowe did a terrible job training them, you pray that you won't suffer from rabies or anything of the sort.

Thor isn't getting any better treatment either, they also turned hostile to him. Their razor sharp teeth and claws almost tore Thor to shreds, his 'blubber' is the only thing that's protecting him from the impacts of the Coyotes now. He also screamed, but louder than you.

He managed to fend off one, he barely dragged himself away as two coyotes sunk their teeth on his legs. He shrieked in pain but he did not stop searching around.

Searching for what? The piece Lizard gave him to defend himself. Where did he drop it!?

Thor squealed as the Coyotes chomp down on his chubby ribs. "Why did I agree to this!?" Thor yelled as he tried his best to pry them off him.

"Ah!" He felt something cold and metallic on his hand, it's the gun! He grabbed it and turned around, pointing it at a coyote.


Blood and biological matters splatter all over his face and the rest of the pack stopped, slowly backing off and whimpering in fear.

Thor felt guilty, this is the first time he took a life. He has never killed anything before, not even a spider or an ant. Vasilios usually handles that for him.

"I'm sorry..." he lets out a shaky whisper as he watch the coyote collapse on him, bleeding out on his shirt.

His bruised and cut lower lip trembled as tears rush out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." he whimpered, his wounded arms rose up to wipe his tears of regret away. He felt terrible taking a life away, but it has to be done or he would be killed.

You were about to strike one with the throwing dagger again, but they halted and leapt off you.

The coyotes retreated after Thor killed one of them rather brutally.

You exhaled a breath of relief before panting wildly.

"Miss (y/n)! A-a-are y-you o-okay?" You wanted to roll your eyes at his stupid question, but you can barely open your eyes considering how bruised they are.

"Call the police..." you rasp in between gasps for air.

"...Now." You added.

Thor bit his thumb nervously, he knows that he's going to get a negative reaction if he tells you he doesn't have a phone with him.

"...Thor... get... the cops..." you wheezed out before coughing. At least you aren't coughing out blood.

This is bad, you're having a high fever, a severe headache and now you're badly injured by those coyotes. God knows what diseases they carry.

You predict that you're going to have a bunch of medical tubes stuck to you for a while.

"Imagine my damn medical bills... shit! I hope Vasilios has insurance to cover me— wait... but it's registered under his name..."

Thor sighed as he trembled. He's going to pull a 'Lizard' on you.

"They're... coming. Don't worry." Thor felt guilty for lying, but he felt guiltier for killing an animal. The police probably doesn't even know that this place exists!

You relaxed and let your head roll to the side. Your body needs to temporarily shut down to 'reboot' itself, much to Thor's panic.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now