A friendlier follow up

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"Welcome to— oh my god, (y/n)! What the hell happened!?" Boss had a horrified expression on her face as her eyes landed on your black eye. You chuckled nervously as you pull you baseball cap down.

"Did h-he beat you!?" Boss rushed to you.

You shook your head. "Naw, I had a rough week. That's just a huge hickey from him. Heh heh." You walked past her, heading towards your workbench.

Boss looked at you worriedly.

"Listen, boss. This black eye ain't from him. Remember that poor sap I knocked unconscious? Yeah, he's the guy who socked me in the face."


"Boss, If I tell you the shit that happened to me last week, you'd probably think I'm making it up." You snorted as you rub the bruise on your lower torso.

"Well, bring it on! I wanna hear it." You took a deep breath before reliving everything. Starting from Vasilios's voice acting to the point where Lizard actually got arrested because Vasilios's next neighbour called the police on him after hearing the second gunshot.

Boss laughed at the part where Vasilios cried because he needed to break one of his favourite vases to take a very obese Hermes out.

You told her, Vasilios had a rubber mallet in his trembling right hand. He didn't have the heart to break it, so Lizard shot it while Hermes was still trapped inside.

Luckily it didn't go through its flesh, but the bullet grazed its wing. It gave Vasilios the scare of his life, you grimace at the memory of him turning extremely pale at the sight of Hermes's loose feathers and blood. It was quite a hard scene to watch Hermes crying and screaming in pain.

Oh, he was merciless when it came to the statements about Lizard. He made sure to make Lizard sound like a cold-hearted criminal before leaving the police station.

The long-haired male was furious at the bird, scolding it in French with a mix of English for hours and hours on end. According to its vet, it couldn't fly for the next few months, so it has to 'run' as a form of exercise.

You had to 'walk' Hermes. As in, bringing the bird outside and making it walk with a leash attached to it. It was an interesting experience, to say the least.

You received many odd stares, you couldn't pinpoint if it was due to Hermes or your bruised eye.

Hermes was also given a stricter diet to lose the excess fat. Now, only Vasilios knows where the bird seeds are. He refused to let you know because he claims that you're gullible enough to fall for Hermes's tricks.

You were impressed at the number of vases Lizard broke without alerting anyone. It's like the whole garage floor was covered in ceramic shards. Vasilios learnt his lesson, he will not be placing any vases in the garage anytime soon.

The mouths of most of his vases are now covered or filled with something to avoid trapping Hermes inside.

Then you told her that Vasilios didn't act as lustful as before... though, the kisses and affectionate touches did not diminish.

Instead, it increased! The forceful 'french kisses' became rare but pecking and butterfly kisses became too common. Same goes to hugging and cuddling.

It also seems like he's trying very hard to earn his $200,000 back. He started working very hard to produce five drafts for five books. You couldn't care what they were about since you couldn't even read his handwriting.

You tried not to look at it either, you didn't want him to cry again just because you thought that he has bad handwriting.

He made you move in with him too, all of your belongings from your previous home were transferred to his house. You were happy that you can finally watch TV again.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now