Your safety

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You groan and rubbed your eyes. Then, you shot up from your bed, snatching your wristwatch off the nightstand next to you. "Oh thank god, I still have four hours left before my shift starts. That psycho is probably downstairs already..." you brought yourself to your small bathroom to freshen up before opening your clothes drawer to choose your clothing of the day.

Three, identical white t-shirts and three identical pairs of ripped, baggy jeans were the only articles of clothing you own. Needless to say, many people have commented on your fashion style. Usually in a negative nature. You were down to your last clean set for the week. "Laundry day, I guess. Hope he doesn't mind driving to the nearest laundromat." You thought to yourself as you slid your head in the neck hole.

You took your time walking down the stairs while holding a laundry basket containing the three other sets of clothing, also the soiled scarf Vasilios gave you yesterday. The sky was still dark and the streetlamps were still on. Its five in the morning where most people are still inactive. "Huh, I was pleasantly wrong. The devil isn't here yet." You deduced that he will only arrive three hours before any event.

The area was silent, which was a huge contrast to your noisy ringtone. "Who would call me at this time?" You pulled out your phone and looked at the caller's ID. "Speak of the devil."
You pressed the 'accept' button.


"I received a call, informing me that you are currently outside your quarters. Is this true?" Chills ran down your spine, you looked around. There doesn't seem to be anything out of place. "Is this how he knew my schedules? An intel?"

"Y-yes. I am leaving to get my laundry done." You heard a frustrated sigh from Vasilios.

"Return to your room this instant. Remain there until I arrive, now is not the time for a vulnerable woman like you to be out in the open." He hung up. You grumble as you sluggishly walked up the stairs again.

"Someone is watching me for him. My best bet is (f/n), but how does she do it?" You slammed the door behind you when you re-entered your room. You sat down on your couch and dialed (f/n)'s number. "My phone bills are going to rocket for this month..."


"I know, I know. Mr. Vasilios called 'bout you being outside right? Yeah, I admit it. I'm behind this. But it's for your own good! A lady like you shouldn't be outside in the dark! As a friend, I care."

"Since when did you give a shit about me? You just care about his money and your own matchmaking reputation. How did you even know I'm out!?"

"A good matchmaker never reveals her secret." A mocking laugh erupted from her lips.

"The hell did I ever do to you? Why are you doing this to me?" You were getting a little bit desperate to have a sense of privacy.

"Nothing personal, just business. Plus, you're doing a great job. He says you're charming and sweet. Mr. Vasilios would instantly 'wife' you up if you weren't so difficult, though."

"Difficult!? Me!? What the he—"

"You know what I mean, (y/n). 'She still winces at my touches, no matter how gentle.' Exact words of Vasilios. The problem here is, you don't treat him like a boyfriend, you treat him like he's your kidnapper."

"Oh I dunno, maybe its because he acts like one!" You clench your fist.

"Whatever. Let me tell you this (y/n), he loves you to death. Your personality is a perfect match to his—" unable to handle it any longer, you hung up on her.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now