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"I-I... I'm just really tired, baby. I really am..." she muttered, Harlowe pulled you into her arms, resting her chin on the top of your head. While you're listening to her vents, you brought the marshmellow stick up to your lips and started munching.

"I don't care but I'm going to pretend so you won't freak out on me again." You thought to yourself as you pat her back.

"...I really don't have anyone with me. Ma' and Billy never talked to their kids, not even to Nancy, Gramby or Harper." You nodded.

"Okay, what the hell does this have to do with your meltdown earlier?" You wanted to ask. However, that wouldn't be wise.

"I-I don't know what has gotten into me earlier, maybe its 'cause I thought you're going to make fun of me, maybe it's cause I thought you're gonna say I'm a crappy girlfriend, maybe it's 'cause I feel insecure of not havin' any lovers before, maybe it's because all my ma' ever asked me was if I grabbed a boy yet— or maybe its all of them!" She wiped her tears away with the back of her palm.

"Wait, you're a virgin?" Again, you held your tongue back.

"...(y/n), I was the unloved one. I know, Harper had it worse than me, it sucks to be disowned. But she has real friends and people who actually loved her. I don't! It's unfair!" She wailed.

Then she chuckled bitterly. "Now that I think about it, the stuff that I told Evanet, about him being the shit covered dildo... If that's him, then I'm the shit covered fleshlight." Harlowe bursts out laughing. It did not contain any joy at all, it's a laughter of shame and sadness.

You just wish that she would get it over with so you could go back to roasting marshmellows in peace.

Its like a routine for you now, once in a while, a person snaps at you for no reason. Then, they would break down crying, expecting you to listen. After 'listening' to them, they'll love you. Wow. How predictable.

It's almost like the author of your life story despises you.

"I'm tired of selling my body, they never even made me feel good... but that's what I can only offer for favours." she mumbled quietly.

"I love my sister, she never asked for anything in return. She helped me because I was nice to her when we were kids... Imagine where I'll be right now if I was an asshole." She chuckled bitterly.

You could imagine Harlowe serving a life sentence behind bars.

You internally groan hearing her rambling. She went on for quite a while, repeating what she said when she was high.

"...(y/n), do you think I'm gross?" Harlowe faced you, wide eyed.

"Yes." Not because she sold her body, you thought she was disgusting because of her lifestyle and her interractions with the coyotes.

And also because of her decision to kidnap you.

"...no." You voiced.

That's all Harlowe need to hear. She sighed in relief and smiled.

"Thank you, (y/n). I'm sorry too..." she buried her face in your neck. You nodded in response.

Harlowe felt at home, comfortable with you protectively wrapped around her arms. You pursed your lips and grabbed the bag of marshmellows. You took one out and poked it with your metal skewer.

Her green eyes admire your every movement, Harlowe brought a finger to your jawline and tenderly traced it while you hold the marshmellow stick over the fire.

"...y'know, (y/n). I've cooked my food by the fire many times before." You raised an eyebrow when she took your marshmellow stick away.

She giggled as she lifts your whole frame with one arm and sets you down on her lap. Once you're settled and comfortable, she gives the stick back and softly kissed the back of your neck.

She rested her chin on your shoulder and whispered in your ear. "I never liked cooking. But, guess what? I love it now."

Her are arms securing you on the spot by the torso.

"I love it because you're here to make it better." She cooed.

"You're amazing, you know that?" She nuzzled her nose against the side of your face. You didn't reply, you just kept your eyes on the sweet, pillowy treat.

"Of course you do, because you're (y/n) and you're a blessing from god to this shitty world. At least to my shitty world, you're a miracle." Her finger rubbed small circles on your belly.

Both of you became silent for a while. You were suffering inside while Harlowe's stomach was bubbling with glee.

You have so many questions. If she wasn't as unstable as she is, you would have bombarded her with it.

Questions such as, "why do you hate Vasilios so much?" And "Why me?" Also "Don't you know that there's such a thing as online dating?" Constantly plague your mind, tempting you to spill it out.

"(Y/n)? Don'tcha like your marshmellows... brown?" You snapped out of your trance like state.

"H-huh? I guess?" You replied. Harlowe stared at you with eyes filled with love and care.

"Oh, my baby. I'll eat that, you should make another one." You knitted your eyebrows and turned your focus to your marshmellow.

It's burnt. No, worse than that. It's actually on fire, you pulled it away from the campfire just to see that the orange flame is still on it.

It's not a marshmellow anymore, it's a burning ember.

"Err... are you sure?" You asked Harlowe. By asking that one question, her heart melted into a puddle of hot, sticky, mess.

"You're so sweet and cute and soft and..." she mumbled.

"That wasn't the question but okay, Harlowe." You thought to yourself as the blond pecked your cheek.

She took the stick out of your hand and grabbed a water bottle nearby.

"Please unscrew this for me, my love." She cooed.

You returned the opened bottle to her, curious about her next move.

She poured enough water to smother and dull the glowing parts of the 'marshmellow' before placing it in her mouth. You widened your eyes at the sizzling and steam floating above it.

You wince as you hear the crunching while she's chewing.

"Go ahead, make a new one." Harlowe brought the whole bag to your lap. You poke your skewer through one and started roasting it in the fire.

Harlowe ran her fingers along the length of your neck, loving the feeling of your skin on her fingertip.

Her intimate touches were completely different from Vasilios. How?

He gave you shivers while she gives you goosebumps.

You weren't sure what that exactly meant, but you wished that you could go home.

But where exactly is 'home'? Vasilios's house? Your apartment? Boss's Carpentry? Brandy's farm? Lizard's shop of gifts?

You don't know anymore.

You were so deep in thought that you didn't hear Harlowe telling you that she loves you.

The stars are lovely tonight.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now