Call it a day

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You flinch when his lips touched your forehead. Vasilios wrapped his arms around your figure, hugging you before he leaves as a display of affection. "I love you." He mumbled on the shell of your ear, you dislike the feeling of his lips brushing against it. "No, you don't. You love the ability to control me. Not me, as a person." You wanted to say that, however, It is a guarantee that it will end terribly if you did.

Instead, you pursed your lip and patted his back. He lets go and left your room. This was the second time he entered your room, uninvited.

You plopped yourself down on the couch. You jolted and yelped when your ringtone played, you immediately fished it out and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey (y/n), it's me, Tiana. Don't worry 'bout the payback shifts, Brandy filled me in 'bout your situation." You relaxed your shoulders.

"You're a godsend, Tiana."

"Yeah, hope you get your shit together soon. Cause I'm workin' myself to the bone."

"Tiana, do me a favor. Would ya?"

"If it helps you get the hell out of that rut sooner, I'll do it."

"Could you tell me something about M. Evanet Vasilios?"

"Well, I read some of his books." You widened your eyes.

"Huh! You don't strike me as the horny type, Tiana."

"Horny, what...? Oh! no, not his erotica. He writes other stuff too, like children's books."


"Hard to believe, but yeah. I read them because I don't think it's actually for children. Nothing sexual! It's more philosophical. I gave a copy of 'Can You Spot The Immorality?' To my baby nephew. The following week, he started questioning religion. Needless to say, I had some massive beef with my extremely religious brother." You furrowed your eyebrows.

"What in the hell made you think a book that's titled 'Can You Spot The Immorality?' A children's book?" You heard Tiana sadly chuckled.

"In my defense, it was in the children's section. It had a colorful, cartoonish cover of a kid looking through a magnifying glass. Thought it was about some story about a kid detective. Turns out it was about this abused kid questions the morality of beliefs and customs of this insane cult he grew up in. Which in turn encourages my nephew to question his religion. Don't know how did it get on the shelves in the first place."

"He should just stick to erotic novels."

"No disagreement there. Oh yeah, Brandy wants to talk to you. I'll pass you to him." You heard some shuffling from Tiana's side of the call before Brandy's trademarked flamboyant voice reached your ears.

"Sis, I have some dirt here. I assume you heard of his first-ever, published book, 'Please Answer Me, My 'Love'.' ?" Your ears perked at the mentioned of that.

"I have a rough idea of what the plot is."

"Alrighty, so. Based on an interview a few years back, that book was describing a part of his life, like an autobiography. 'Maria', the antag, is very much likely to be a real person." You covered your mouth.

"S-so then, Vasilios really killed... someone?"

"No, no! That's not even in the plot! Maria killed him in the book and hung his body on her bedroom wall like a taxidermied moose head. She does that after she kept him in his basement for years, torturing him day and night. When quizzed on that, he refused to answer. I guess it's like a symbolic thing, didn't pay much attention to literature class during high school." Now you are confused.

"What? A friend told me it ended with the police too stupid to find Maria's dead body! And she's a hardcore fan of his works!"

"Ha! She got the 'false' ending then. Lemme tell you this, Vasilios published 'Please Answer Me, My 'Love'' with two endings, the false one which is the scene Maria gets killed by Evanet. Then the true ending, the one that I mentioned. Each copy either has the false or the true ending but not both."

"He did all of that... when he was a teen?" Brandy snorted as soon as he heard that.

"The plot and the true ending were written when he was nineteen. But it was published a few years later along with the false ending." You rubbed the bridge of your nose.

"...and what can I do with this information?"

"If you can find 'Maria', maybe you can scare him away without putting my farm in the cops' spotlight. But getting away from her may not be an easy task, seeing how horrible Evanet, or the author describes her personality." You admit it was a good idea. However, you have no leads on who 'Maria' is.

"Hey, if I scare him off, wouldn't (f/n) still rat on us as  revenge?"

"It's better to get rid of one problem first before tackling the other. Look at you, you can't even move around freely with Vasilios breathing on your neck. How are you going to get to (f/n) when you can't even get past the asshole she set you up with?" You nodded in agreement.

"Touché. Anyways, he kinda opened up about having daddy issues and seventeen older sisters." A short pause occurred between you and Brandy.

"Seventeen what now?"

"Sisters. He told me he is the youngest and the only guy in the family."

"That's.... weird. Like totally weird. How can someone raise eighteen kids? Even if its the eldest sister raising them up, she would still have seventeen kids on her plate." You tapped your chin and ponder.

"Maybe one of them could be Maria?" A disgusted 'ugh' escapes Brandy's lips.

"If that's true, then your guy is a sick man. In that story, Maria was Evanet's abusive girlfriend that had some feely-grabby time with him. You're tellin' me, he had a relationship like that with his one of his sisters for years!?" You gagged at Brandy's reasoning.

"Okay, its highly unlikely that Maria is one of his older sisters. But there still is a chance. Did the story tell the age of the characters?"

"Nope, never. Not a peep about their ages. Except for Evanet, he is nineteen in the story." You nodded and mentally jolt the information given down.

"I'll get back to you once I get the spice on his freak family. I gotta go. Stay safe, sis." Brandy hung up.
You stretched your arms and yawn, thinking about the things he told you. Vasilios is a mystery that only makes you ask more questions as you dig in. You decided that you may want to research more about him on the internet.

As for now, you are going to call it a day.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now