A massive problem (slight NSFW and TW)

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A/n: trigger warning- non con

You were woken up by a tickling sensation on your inner thighs. You groan and rubbed your eyes, the headache still hadn't left your head.

You pry open your heavy eyelids to see a tuft of blond in between your legs. You saw Harlowe's calloused and inked hands sensually rubbing your thighs up and down. You panicked and started kicking. "Harlowe! Stop! Wait a minute!"

She lifted her head up, revealing an annoyed expression on her face. "What?" She grumbled.

"H-huh!? C'mon, cut that shit out, I don't want this!" You whimpered, the throbbing pain in your head isn't helping you at all too.

Harlowe pouted and pulled herself away from you with great hesitance. "I didn't even get to taste it..." she mumbled under her breath.

You glanced at your 'south'. Your underwear is still intact, just slightly shifted downwards. You gasped and shuddered when her hands roam around your bare skin.

"Harlowe! Why are you doing this?" You tried pushing her away, but she's just either too strong or heavy to do so.

She stopped.

"I like you." Harlowe buried her face in your neck.

"You're cute and soft and..." She absentmindedly mumbled on.

"—you're fun as hell to tease." That one sentence sent thousands of lightning strikes in your body. That one phrase scares the living daylights of you. After hearing it from Vasilios, you couldn't see it as something positive.

"Why me? I have so little to goddamn offer, I don't have money, I don't have the body— argh!" She bit on your skin. It was hard enough to cause some pain, but not hard enough to draw blood.

"I'm not after what you can't offer. I'm after what you can." She growled in your ear, you didn't like her hot breath fanning on your sensitive skin.

"W-what can I possibly offer!? Damn it!"


"What!?" You did not understand her. She pulled away to look you in the eye, she had an irritated scowl on her face.

"I don't know what you did or have to snag Evanet's heart. I know you don't have the looks, the sex appeal, the... brains, the money or anything in general! But whatever made Evanet go crazy over you, I want it." She smashed her lips against yours.

"Shit! This isn't the lady I met at the damn Laundromat! Who the hell is this bitch!?"

She lets go, chuckling shakily and wrapping her arms around you tightly.

"For sure, it's something, alright. I just can't describe it— look at you! You've snagged my heart!" A hearty laughter erupted from her chest.

You stared at her with fearful eyes, you didn't dare to say anything that might anger her, you don't know what is she capable of.

While she's giggling to herself, you tried slowly getting up. Her chortling came to an abrupt stop when she felt movement.

"Hey— argh!" She pinned you on the bed, straddling your hips. You definitely prefer Vasilios now, at least he doesn't keep you in place by choking your neck.

She isn't causing any harm to you yet, she's just maintaining a firm grip on your throat. Both of your hands are trying to remove her hand from the part connecting your head to the rest of the body.

"Oh no, baby. I'm not done with you yet." She purred as she nibbled on your ear.

You shut your eyes tightly, hoping that the worst is going to end soon. Her other hand was groping at various parts of your body, making you squirm and squirm in discomfort.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now