Tender Loving Care

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You still had an hour and a half left before your shift starts. Vasilios instructed you to remain downstairs while he takes a shower. You slouched on his leather sofa and stared at the cockatiel, Hermes.

It was still locked in its cage, at least Vasilios fed him earlier. Then you shifted your gaze to his collection of books. "Are those his works?" You took a random one out from his shelf and inspected it. "Its... a diary?"  Slightly damaged and stained, you believe that it was a journal of some sort.

Deciding to respect his privacy, you pushed it back into the empty slot. Now, what should you do? You certainly don't want to be caught snooping around, but you were bored out of your mind.

And your phone is dead, you asked him for a charger but he told you he didn't have such primitive technologies. It hurts your ego a bit.

Your ears perked up when a squawk reached them. "What's up, Hermes?" You asked the bird.
It cocked its head to the side to stare at you.

You slowly approached its cage and stuck a finger in. Hoping that it would rub its head on it. "Please don't bite, please don't bite..." you shut your eyes once you saw it opening its beak. You were expecting a pinch, but it never came.

"Huh?" You reopened your eyes to see the bird anxiously rubbing against your finger. It was shivering and making soft, distressed whistles.

You looked behind you to see Vasilios glowering at Hermes. The male's hair was wrapped into a turban with a bath towel. His outfit of the day consists of a peach-coloured oxford dress shirt, black flare pants and a pair of combat boots. He is holding an unplugged hairdryer in his hand.

You pulled your finger away from the cage, Hermes started cowering in fear. Vasilios proceeds to plug the electric appliance into a nearby socket, he unwrapped the towel on his head and switched the hairdryer on. "What a weird hairdryer."

It's cylindrical in shape and it's hollow in the middle, he's using a smoothening extension. You were impressed by how quiet it is.

The glint of mischievousness in his eyes made you worry. He gazed at you for quite a while now.

You saw that his grip on the appliance became tighter. "What?— ow!" A blast of hot air stung your eyes, making you shut them as a natural reflex, temporarily blinding them. His large hand grabbed the back of your head and pushed his lips against yours.

You wanted to open your eyes, but couldn't do so because his wet hair was wildly whizzing around due to the constant jet of hot air from the sophisticated hairdryer.
You made a mistake yelping in surprise as it gave him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.

"Is my gums and teeth really that tasty?" Your upper lip twitched due to the ticklish feeling in your orifice.

He finally pulled away and turned the machine off. Why? So he could give you his full attention. Once it's placed safely away, his arms wrapped around your exhausted form.

You were lucky enough to block his lips from smashing against yours again with the palm of your hand. But the thing that frightens you the most is that he did not look annoyed at all, just neutral. That means he still has another trick up his sleeves to get you.

You wince as you felt his warm tongue stroking your palm. "Damn it, Vasilios! That's gross as hell!" Nonetheless, your hand is still firmly sealing his lips.

Horror crossed your face when smugness showed up in his sleek green eyes. His thin and long fingers started tickling your sides, you knew that you're going to lose now. However, an idea crossed your mind.

He's obviously taller than you, your head only reaches below his chest. Vasilios is only able to reach your face if he bends down.

So what did you do? You reduced your height by bending your knees, then you pressed your cheek against his chest. Your arms tightly coiled around his torso. Essentially embracing him.

He halted his tickling and stood up straight. Your head remains stuck on his chest and your upper limbs are still fastened to him. You frown in discomfort as you feel his wet hair sticking onto your skin. "At least dry it first before getting freaky."

His eyes were wide and his hands were trembling. You just pray that he wouldn't pry you off and continue the make-out session.

Fortunately for you, your hopes came true as your final method of defence melted his cold, stony heart to a puddle of hot, sticky love.

Unfortunately, you gave him a dangerously misleading message that you loved him too and you're not only going after his riches or sex appeal. He is deeply touched by your 'affectionate' gesture.

Poor reader, oblivious to the hell you recently let loose.

For the first time in his life, he felt truly happy. A rush of euphoria surged through his veins and his pupils dilate at the sight of you holding him like this. Vasilios's legs turned to jelly from the overwhelming sense of warmth and intimacy.

He returned the hug and swayed you gently side to side, nuzzling his nose on the top of your head. You nervously glance at Hermes from the side of your eye. It just stares back at you with its beady eyes.

Both of you held each other for a while. In your mind, you were urging him to hurry up and dry his hair. "It's... starting to itch." You wanted to push his damp hair away and scratch the side of your face, however, by doing so, you're risking many things.

Hence, you stayed still.

"Oh (y/n). You are to die for..." He mumbled in your hair, it was too muffled for you to understand. "I'm so happy that I met you." His arms around you tightened.

Another massive mistake was not letting him go after he loosens his hold on you. Vasilios took it as a sign you wanted to cuddle longer. because you love him.

The truth is far from that, you were afraid that he may continue assaulting your mouth. You don't love him at all. "Pick up the damn hairdryer! Pick up the damn hairdryer! Pick—" you bit on your lip in anticipation.

If the feeling of joy is physically liquid, his whole body would be overflowed with it and his whole neighbourhood would be flooded by then.

Vasilios is actually not a complicated man. If you show him just a pinch of TLC, he'll die for you, he'll give you anything.

And that's what you're doing right now.

A/n: the hairdryer that Vasilios was using is Dyson brand Supersonic hairdryer

______________________________________________A/n: the hairdryer that Vasilios was using is Dyson brand Supersonic hairdryer

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Its like 300 bucks... but great for hair tho

Please tell me what you think of the characters, and whomst is yall's fav now? :))

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now