On the hunt

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"Ensure that this comes back in one piece, am I understood?" Vasilios glared at Lizard as he begrudgingly handed him your phone and charger. Lizard requested for your phone, stating that it will come in handy.

But actually, he lost all his phones, he needed to borrow your phone for contact. Lizard chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck.

Vasilios managed to get ahold of your phone because it was found lying next to Boss's unconscious body. Its screen is slightly cracked, it seems like you dropped it during a struggle.

He actually didn't care if Lizard breaks your phone, Vasilios was planning to get you a new one anyways. The only thing he's worried about was the files in it, he's not a very tech savvy man in the first place.

Yes, of course he can operate softwares that are related to writing. However, your phone is too ancient for him to understand, he couldn't back the data up in his laptop. He doesn't know how, even when he Boogled it, he wasn't able to successfully carry out the task.

"Dude, I don't even know If I'll come back in one piece. Eh, I'll try my best." Vasilios narrowed his eyes at his behavior. It intimidated Lizard enough to make him quiver on the spot. All he could do is stare back at him.

"H-hey, why are ya cryin'?" Lizard stuttered as Vasilios's lower lip trembled. The taller male sniffled and covered his eyes.

"I need my (y/n) back home with me, I can't sleep at night not knowing where she is or if she's safe..." Vasilios sobbed in his hands. He hated showing others this side of him, but it couldn't be helped this time. Your disappearance is too much for him to bear.

"Err... don't cry! It's okay! I'll make sure I'll get shot and not her!" That statement made Vasilios feel worse, he's reminded that gunfire will be involved.

The long-haired male did not stop crying.

Now, Lizard may not have a very large brain, but he has a very large heart. Maybe a bit too large for his own good.

He felt terrible if someone around him cries, Lizard hates sadness and hopelessness more than any other emotion. He would rather get beaten up instead of watching someone bawl their eyes out.

"Hey c'mon buddy, it's okay! Everything should be fine." Vasilios ignored him and continued wiping his tears away.

He's wondering why is Lizard still here, what else does he want?

"Umm... scratch that, everything WILL be fine! Haha, yeah! It will be fine!" He patted Vasilios's back.

"Why are you still here?" Vasilios asked in between sobs. He took a step away from Lizard.

"I can't just leave ya cryin'! I have a conscience, man!" Lizard replied. Vasilios furrowed his eyebrows at the shorter male.

"I— go, please... just go. Leave my house and find (y/n)." It reminds Lizard, where is that bird? He looked around the living room and saw Hermes cowering in the corner of his bird cage in fear. It has experienced so much, from Lizard punching you to Lizard shooting a bullet, injuring its wing.

"O-M-G, you're still crying!" Lizard exclaimed.

"Leave." Vasilios commanded sternly. Tears are still streaking down his face.

Lizard stared at him silently. Vasilios groaned in frustration as he wiped away his tears.

"Lea— oh, why do I even try. Do what you wish, just please... bring my (y/n) back home safe and sound..." He mumbled as he hugged his arms. Vasilios weekly walked to a sofa and sat down, leaning on one side, proceeding to cry in his own arms.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now