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"What are your present ideas?"
Vasilios asked you, still speaking like the pop singer, Belladonna.

You glanced at your left and saw a gaming store. "I dunno, I guess I'll get him like a game that's on sale right now." The male lightly slapped you on the arm.

"Don't encourage him!" Vasilios scolded you.

"Okay, what's yer idea, then?" You placed your hands on your hips.

"Deodorants, perfumes, air fresheners, floor detergents, hydrogen peroxide, insect sprays— anything to mask those horrid fumes exuding from his unflattering body!" He fanned his face with his hands.

"Ugh, even the thought of it is enough to nauseate me." He mumbled as he covered his mouth with a hand.

"He... really hates this guy. He's even acting way outta character cause' he hates the birthday boy." You thought to yourself as you watch Vasilios complain on and on, his pace of speaking increased to the point that you saw the correlation between him and a motorboat

You had to endure his blabbering for an additional five minutes, nodding at every appropriate interval.

Maybe you shouldn't be so polite.

This is what makes him fall terribly deep in love with you. You 'listened' to him and 'considered' his feelings, you 'cared' about the things he has to say.

No one ever did such a wonderful thing for him, no— not even any of his previous, uncountable lovers. All they wanted to do is fight for the spotlight, they wanted to be the centre of everyone's and his attention. They never cared to listen to him, they never cared about his true feelings. They would only dismiss it as an 'overreaction' or something trivial.

For once, he felt like he's finally the centre of the universe. All thanks to you, he finally received the intimate attention he oh-so-badly craved for three decades.

Even something as small as complaining about the 'useless' birthday man to you gave him such a euphoric experience, it's like you have opened a valve in him to let out so much pressure.

In his ill mind, it's only right to make you the centre of his universe. He believes that's the least he could do after you did him a huge favour.

You mumbled curses under your breath as you wash the lipstick marks on your face with clean, running tap water.

As soon as both of you reached home, Vasilios attacked you with a flurry of smooches, resulting in his red 'masterpiece' on your skin.

"I better not catch you drinking tap water again." He spoke from the outside of his upstairs bathroom.

"Man, what lipstick are you using!? I can't scrub it off!" You splashed another handful of water onto your face. You wonder why did your face suddenly become unbearably itchy.

"I used—" Vasilios pushes the door open and gasped in horror.

"What?" You asked.

He immediately restrained your wrists. "(Y/n)!"

Vasilios winced at the sight of your livid skin. He squinted and examined closer only to identify some small bumps.

"Oh, dear." He mumbled as he watches you with wide, green eyes.

"C'mon, we're gonna be late and your lipstick is still smeared all over my damn face!" You thrashed in his grip.

"That isn't lipstick anymore, you washed it all off!" He replied.

"Why is my face still red then?!" You retorted, you brought your head near one of your restrained hands so you could scratch your cheek.

"(Y/n)!" He pulled your hands away from your face. "Stop that, you're damaging your skin!"

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now