Brothers forever! (Filler chapter)

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A/n: short chapter and skippable

Earlier this afternoon...

"I already told you, I don't know where Harlowe is, Lizard!" Harper yelled at the male as she slammed her fist on the counter.

"Lizard! We should go." Thor hissed through his teeth as he tugged on his sleeve.

"Not now Spore." Lizard pushed his head away with one hand. Thor shot Harper an apologetic look before taking a step back.

"Hmm. Ain't buyin' it. C'mon Henry—" Lizard immediately kept his mouth shut when a shotgun is pointed at his chest. Lizard brought his hands to the air while Thor cowers behind him, soiling his pants in the process.

"Get. Out." Harper pushed the weapon further. She noted the foul smell, but did not comment on it.

"H-Heidi my friend, n-no need to get—"


The two males in the shop screamed and hugged each other as they watch smoke emitting out from its hole.

"We're sorry, lady! Please don't kill us!" Thor squealed as he held onto Lizard tighter.

"Ack! Floor, let go! I can't breathe!" Lizard tried to pry his constricting arms off.

Harper shot up to intimidate them. She hopes that the bullet will not damage any of her 'souvenirs' upstairs in the attic. The blonde sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Oh come on, you pissed yourself?" She asked the shorter male. He fearfully nodded and avoided her brown eyes.

She growled and pointed the shotgun at him. Which makes him excrete even more. Maybe she shouldn't have done that, now she has more work to do.

"Get the hell out of here before I pump lead." She glowered at them.

"What!? No—" Thor clamped Lizard's mouth with a hand and used all his strength to drag him away from the shop.

"I'm sorry, Lady—!"

"Shut up! Go away!" Harper yelled as she watch Thor hurriedly waddle out of the shop, hauling a very recalcitrant Lizard with him.

Finally, those two are out of her sight.

"Ugh, men." She rolled her eyes as she walked away, Harper needs to tend to her 'wife' who is most likely spooked by the gunshot. Cleaning up Thor's urine is secondary.


"I-I don't want to— I don't want to continue this! What the heck was that!? We could have died!" Thor exclaimed.

"Bro, it's okay! Because we didn't!" Lizard gave him two thumbs up.

"What is wrong with you!?" He screeched.

"Hey, c'mon. This is for the sake of (y/n). Videography's girlfriend, don't ya wanna make him proud?"

"If it means risking my life, no! I rather have Mister Vasilios think of me like I'm some kind of insect!" Thor waddled to the car.

"I-I'm going home! I don't want this anymore!" He yelled.

"Crap, dude! No! You're like, my ride home— man!" Lizard brought his hands to his head.

"I don't care! I don't wanna die!" He ignored Lizard's pleas and opened the door to the driver's seat.

"Wait bro! What about our 'broship' man! Think about it, I need ya!" Lizard begged.

"Well I don't need you! I'm going home and that's—" Thor furrowed his eyebrows when he couldn't get the car to start. He fumbled with the key and tried reigniting the engine multiple times, only to be met with failure.

Lizard raised an eyebrow.

"What is happening!?" Thor panicked.

"Dude, dude, dude, calm down.""

"How can I calm down!? I can't start my dad's car! I can't go home and Mister Vasilios is gonna kill me!" He squealed as he attempted to start his car again.

"Why is this happening to meeee!?" He whined.

Thor whipped his head to Lizard when he sees him laughing madly.

"You find this funny!?" Thor hit him on the arm. "You're a jerk!"

"Ha ha ha! Look at yer fuel!" Thor eyes were about to pop out of his head when he saw the needle points to 'EMPTY'.

"No! No way!" Tears started forming in his eyes.

"Looks like you need me too, bucko. Bros forever!" Lizard playfully ruffled his hair. Thor cursed to himself for not listening to his mother's advice to bring a phone.

"Please, Lizard. M-may I borrow your phone...?" His voice cracked.

"No way José. I ain't givin' you help, after you tried to ditch me just now." Lizard crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air.

"What am I supposed to do!?" Thor yelled.

"Well, you could ask the 'nice' gun chick back in there to give you a lift." Lizard pointed at Harlowe's gun shop. Thor shook his head.

"Or, you could walk home." Lizard gave him a teasing grin.

"What!? That's like... a million miles away! I'll die!" Thor pulled on his greasy locks.

"Or, you could come with me and find the nearest bus station. Which is a mile away."


"Dude, that's way better than a million miles. Whaddya say? Pals?" Lizard offered a hand for him to shake.

"What about my pants!? I peed myself!" Thor's face turned beet red.

"Bro, it'll dry on its own. Plus, you could do some walking yourself, man!" Lizard patted on his protruding belly.

"Hey!" Thor slapped his hand away.

"So? What will it be? Walk home or—"

"What are you boys still doing here!? Scram!" Harper yelled from the entrance of her shop while firing a couple shots into the air.

The boys fled the scene by foot. Thor left a trail of yellowish liquid behind him as he ran.

Harper grimaced at the sight of it.

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