Different dishes

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He ordered cottage cheese and spinach stuffed ravioli in marinara sauce for you. It was piping hot when it arrived at your table, the aroma was wafting towards your nose, making your mouth water.

The presentation was marvellous, gold flakes were garnished on top along with perfectly cooked chicken shreds and bacon strips. There are two pieces of garlic bread, lightly toasted on the side. You could spot sliced pepperonis and chunks of Italian sausages within the sauce. Overall, the amount was quite satisfying too.

He ordered something else, you deduced that it's black rice, shaped into a puck with some octopus tentacles resting on it. Gold was sprinkled on it along with some greens. A dark sauce was smeared artistically on the side of the plate, a single basil leaf lies on it.

You raised an eyebrow at the difference in amount.

"H-hey, why's yours... uh, tiny? I'm having a whole buffet in my plate here while you have that... disk of rice and a drop of sauce?" You sucked in your inner cheeks, hoping he wouldn't be upset. The children already seem to place a damper on his mood.

Surprisingly, he chuckled. "I ordered this from the children's section of the menu. You eat as much as a hyperactive child, your tastes are no different. Well, at least, that's what I infer from your favourite choices of food."

Your eyebrows twitched up. That's odd, usually, the adults eat much more than the kids. "Maybe being rich is like living in a parallel universe. What the hell?"

You looked around, he was right. The adults around were only eating a quarter of what you have while the children are eating twice the amount of yours.

You pulled your injured hand out of the ice bucket and gently flicked the water off. You proceed to pick up your fork and knife, it was such an excruciating task to do especially the injured hand was your dominant one.

Vasilios eyed your hand but kept quiet about it.

You tried your best to make it move 'normally' and gracefully. You did a wonderful job, but it almost brought you to tears.

"Would you like to try my dish?" He asked. You froze up a bit, his food does look a bit intimidating.

"S-sure." He picked up an amount on his fork and brought near your mouth. You hesitantly took a bite, preparing for the worst, you closed your eyes.

It was terrible. You forced yourself to swallow it then you quickly masked the taste with a ravioli. Vasilios smiled, he expected this reaction.

"Your tastebuds are still immature." He wiped your mouth with a napkin.

"What was that?" You're still wincing over the taste.

"Squid ink, olives and bitter gourd risotto. If I'm not mistaken, basil and lemongrass were also used." He gathered a bite-sized amount on his fork and started eating as well. You grimaced.

"Well uh, since I tried yours... w-wanna try mine?" You nervously asked.

"Aw, how sweet of you. Thank you, darling. However, I decline." He ended the conversation with a loving smile. If both of you had a normal, healthy relationship together, your heart would have skipped a beat at his alluring looks.

But his rotten actions made you very biased against him. You wished to roll your eyes at him, self-control is such a wonderful thing.

You and Vasilios continued eating in silence, the screams of children and the quiet murmuring of their parents enveloped the both of you like a blanket.

At the corner of your eye, you saw the same boy who approached you along with a few of his friends staring at your table. You turned to face them, they grinned from ear to ear.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now