Dead end

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For once, you woke up on Vasilios's bed fully clothed with 'your' pyjamas. Your head lies on his broad chest, somewhat covered by his bathrobe, using him as a pillow.

Actually, it's more like you're using him as a bed. Your whole frame is resting on top of him.

A hand rubbed your back up and down soothingly. While the other stroked your (h/c) hair tenderly.

You brought your hand up to your face to rub your eyes, the male's eyes softened at your bedhead, finding it adorable.

"Rest." He whispered. "You had a long night." Vasilios gently moved your body next to him, so that he can turn to the side and kiss your forehead.

He pulled you closer to him and made you snuggle deeper into his chest. Vasilios pulled the blanket over your shoulders and then proceeds to run his slender fingers through your hair.

You rested your head on his extended arm.

Vasilios felt conflicted. Reading through the texts between you and Tiana made him realize that you disliked his initial personality. Well, that was a first.

He knew very well you preferred him to be softer, friendlier and sweeter. However, he didn't exactly expect you to be deathly afraid of his dominating behaviour.

Guilt and regret prodded at his heart as he remembers the part where you texted Tiana that you didn't want to be alone with him because you thought Vasilios would hurt you and 'violate your human rights'.

No wonder you were so obedient, it's because you didn't want his 'punishments'!

The long-haired male was used to his exes 'misbehaving' just so that they could enjoy his 'pleasurable abrasiveness' and reward him with some compliance later in the relationship. After a while, they would provoke him again when he starts to mellow down.

Vasilios sighed, he should have noticed something was different when you complied to his demands instantly.

"Of course, the pepper spray too." He quietly grumbled to himself as the memory of you attempting to spray him with it flashed through his mind.

Vasilios should have taken that as a sign his forceful behaviour was unwelcomed. He bit his lip and grimace in shame, he couldn't believe himself that he thought you had a pepper spray kink.

Vasilios has slept around with many different people from all walks of life. It was no surprise to him if you really did have one.

And of course, the times where your muscles tense up around him, where he could hear you hyperventilate, where you shiver at his touch wasn't done out of arousal, it was done out of fear!

Oh, he was so embarrassed.

He plants another kiss on the top of your head. You were his first lover to... truly detest his erotic advances.

"Oh, (y/n). You're so strange." Vasilios murmured.

He felt relieved, he thought that means you would love him even if he does not provide you carnal pleasures 24/7.

However... he was disappointed that whatever he did made you feel unsafe around him. How could he possibly undo that?

From the conversation he had with you in the car last night, it's clear that you are still wary of him, answering only in short and generic sentences.

Vasilios frowned, he hoped that you did not agree to have sex with him just because you were too frightened to say no.

(F/n) is good at her job. A bit too good, but at least he got his money's worth. He hesitantly spent a questionable amount of his life savings on her matchmaking fees because he heard that there was never a 'mis'match from her.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now