Getting closer

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You were tired. You are tired of her. Harlowe protectively wrapped you in her arms as she held a shotgun over your weak body like a gate.

She's still sniffling and shivering, Harlowe didn't talk to you after shooting the tracking puck. What she did was encase you in her arms, she's trembling in fear;
If she loses you, she loses everything. Her sanity, her support from her sister, her freedom, her home, her... everything! Literally everything.

Harlowe gently pushed your head against her chest, the feeling of you on her skin is comforting to her. It's okay, she still haven't lost you, there's still a chance she can exterminate the threat and keep you with her forever.

"I-It's g-going to be o-okay..." she whispered as she pressed a shaky kiss on the top of your head.

"Is this how she comforts herself?" You pity her. But you pity yourself more.

You hope that she goes to jail once this is over.

You didn't know she's capable and competent enough to build an underground, doomsday bunker herself that's completely hidden.

You're impressed but... you're at a disadvantage. How is anyone going to find you? You're pretty sure that the outside world couldn't hear anything, because you can't hear anything from outside! Not even the coyotes' thundering pawsteps or howling!

"It's going to be o-okay..." Harlowe mumbled in your dry and tangled (h/c) hair.

How are you going to convince her to let you out? You wouldn't dare to be hostile towards her especially the way she made you get in here the first place is... scary.

She pointed the barrel of her shotgun to your back, in order to coax you to comply. Although you could tell that by doing this, she felt like something was tearing her all up inside, her heart was breaking because she has to resort to such threat. You thought that she probably won't shoot you, but you can't be too careful.

Harlowe is mentally unstable and should have went to therapy years ago. Actually, it's better that she's sent off to a mental asylum. She's probably going to kidnap the therapist.

"Shit happens, I guess." You bitterly thought to yourself as she cuddled with you.

You inhaled and exhale heavily. You pray that Lizard's ridiculously good luck is going to help him find you in this cramped, underground doomsday bunker.


"Liz! Do you even know where we're goin!?" Thor huffed and puffed, trying to catch up with the taller male.

"Of course, Thorsky!" No, no he doesn't. He's just relying on his 'luck' that his creator blessed him. He doesn't even know how to get out to the highway now. They're so deep in the forest that it's difficult to see due to the shade provided by leaves.

"Are you sure!?" Thor wheezed.

"Oh, holy cow... I-I'm so outta shape..." The shorter male stopped and rested a while.

"Its okay dude, we can get IN shape when this is over!" Lizard tried to cheer him up. Thor raised an eyebrow as he greedily inhaled air into his lungs.

"Yeah right, we'll be too busy trying to survive in jail to hit he gym." He snarkily replied.

"Bro, lemme tell ya this, jails have gyms too. You're gonna come out of prison super buff! Like Captain Washington!" Lizard flexed his biceps.

"It's Captain Wisconsin!"

After that intense chase, they managed to evade them by driving into a forest. They hid there until the coast is clear, but then... maybe it's just Thor's bad luck, it ran out of fuel. They were forced to move on foot.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now