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You were glad that he wasn't as stringent as before, you get to choose how many times you get to chew before swallowing your food. However, the amount of food entered your mouth per bite provokes a negative reaction from Vasilios. As well as your posture and your speed of eating. "At least there ain't any complicated tools like those in Restauranté Amor."

"The food should be brought to the mouth, (y/n). Not the other way. You mustn't slouch nor lean against the chair when eating. Stuffing your mouth is impolite, take small bites at a time and please take your time to chew thoroughly. We are not in a rush, hence there is no need to be hasty." Vasilios calmly lectured you as you went through it agonizingly. He brushed your hair, fixing it with his fingers. Your cap is already placed away, you learnt your lesson from the first encounter. "Damn, he's getting vocal with me now. Not sure if I liked better him being all chatty or quiet. That ain't matter cause' he's still an asshole to me." You brought your fork with food towards your mouth.

Finally, when both of you were finished with the meal, Vasilios called the waiter and paid using a credit card. They exchanged a few words in French. "Hope they aren't talking about me."

Vasilios opened the door and let you out first. You were contemplating whether to ask him about the blond woman. "It's damn risky but... I'm damn curious." you were chewing on your fingernails anxiously. That peculiar behaviour did not go unnoticed by the male, and he knew exactly why would you do that.

He wasn't intending to tell you anytime soon, but since you were such a 'sweetheart' to him recently, he feels that you deserve an explanation.

Every time you enter his car, you felt like you were playing Russian Roulette with your dignity. The fingernail chewing has gotten more intense.

"(Y/n)!" Your wrist was yanked away from your teeth by Vasilios's large hand. Five fingernails broke due to your excessive chewing, luckily it did not cause harm to your nailbed, it only made your fingernails look uneven. You pursed your lips and looked at him. His face flashed an expression of disbelief and surprise before returning to his normal stoic self.

You expect him to pounce on you for that, but instead, he pulled out a nail file, a nail clipper and a packet dry and wet tissues of from the storage box between his seat and yours. He gently grabbed your hand and started wiping your saliva off it using a piece of wet tissue.

You sat there awkwardly with your hand extended towards Vasilios as he performed a simple manicure on it. The silence is killing you until,

"That blond... mannish woman, is a relative of mine." You raised both eyebrows, surprised he is willing to disclose that information to you.

"One of your seventeen sisters?" You asked, at the same time mentally preparing yourself for any insane reactions from him.

"Heavens, no. Such an unruly, defiant, recalcitrant barbarian have no place in my-" Vasilios hesitated. He paused for a moment before continuing.

"-in my household." You nodded. You assume that blond woman is a cousin of his. "Yeah, looks like he came from a dysfunctional family. Wonder what his deal is?" You contemplated whether to continue pressing on. In the end, you decided not to. "Better wait for him to tell me everything on his own..."

You wonder if his sisters thought him his manicuring skills, he did it so swiftly and the quality of the results are superb.

Vasilios pulled up right in front of your workplace. You muttered thanks and fixed your cap before you could touch the handle of the door, he grabbed your chin and turned your head to face him.

He pressed his lips on yours for a short while before letting you go. You quickly opened the door and shot out of his car, you turned around and shut it. He rolled the window down to tell you something.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now