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His eyes were blank and the woman's were filled with mischief. "Damn, what the hell should I do? This lady may protect me now but then... what about later?" You looked at Vasilios nervously, you gulped as he turned his head to you. He crossed his arms.

"Why are you here?" He calmly asked the woman. Though you could feel the anger radiating out of him. The woman snorted. "Ha! You never changed, Evanny. Always thinking everything is about you. Look at where you are!"

She extended her arm to point at the washing machines. "I'm here to do laundry, you stuck up snob." She glanced at you once. "-and maybe to make a new...friend!" She embraced you from the back, gently rocking your body side to side, snickering next your ear. "For a stranger, she sure is grabby. Still better than being alone with Vasilios."

"Why this launderette in particular?" His grip on his arms was visibly tighter.

The woman lets go of you and dramatically gasp, putting her hand on her chest. "Same question, pretty boy. Why this launderette in particular?" She repeated Vasilios's question in an exaggerated voice that mocks his style of talking. She placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head slightly backwards in a condescending way.

"Oh, is it fate? Destiny? No, you narcissist. It's just a damn coincidence, but you just had to make it like everything is about you. Pull yourself together, you pathetic trainwreck." You were taken aback by the sheer amount of her insults towards Vasilios. You were curious as to why are they so hostile to each other.

There was a moment of silence between the three of you. Until the woman scoffed. "You're too much of a worm to comprehend what 'get the hell out of my sight' means. Fine, you get to stay." The blonde pointed at the bench far away with her finger.

"...away from us. Don't interrupt our girly playdate." You whipped your head to look at her. "Crazy bitch! She's gonna get me killed!"
She seems to understand your panic, she grinned, bent down and ruffled your hair. "Don't worry, baby. He won't try anything funny. He's too much of a pussy to do so."

"H-hey I don't... I, uh...errrr..." you were at a loss for words. You eyed Vasilios carefully. He continued staring at you as if this is a test. You gulped.

"You're still here? Oh my god, you must be-" beeping interrupted the blonde. You were relieved and uncertain at the same time, your clothes are done drying.

"She needs to leave. The launderette serves no purpose to her now." His expression was devoid of emotions.

"Oh come on." She rolled her eyes at the male. "Baby, are you really gonna leave?" She pouted. You took note of the pet name she gave you. Your focus switched from Vasilios to the woman repeatedly, contemplating which is the best action to take.

"It's still kinda dark, there is definitely gonna be another one of his crappy surprises. But if decide to stay with the nice lady, I risk getting a worse treatment from him, she can't be with me 24/7. Plus, I have (f/n) dragging me down with her blackmail!" You inhaled and forced the air out.

"It's really nice to meet you, lady. I'd love to stay to get to know you better but he's right. I got somewhere to be...after this, maybe next time?" You smiled with fingers crossed in your pocket, beads of sweat were forming on your forehead. The blonde shot a dirty look at Vasilios while his expression remained the same.

The woman grunted as she straightened her back. "Hmph, fine. Your number and name please!" She handed you a pen from her plaid shirt's breast jacket. She presented her lean, tattooed arm to you. A finger pointed at a spot where it isn't inked. Unsure of the consequences, you looked to Vasilios.

"No." A word from him enough for you to return the pen to her without writing anything. She glared at him for a while before pouting at you. "Aw. Oh well, I'll just find you then! This isn't the last of me, baby." She affectionately pinched your cheek.

"Darling." Your blood went cold, you knew Vasilios was addressing you.

You quickly shook her hand off your face and gather your clothes from the dryer. Meanwhile, both green-eyed individuals in the laundromat are having an intense staring contest.

Vasilios grabbed your arm and dragged you away once you were finished. "Bye! You'll definitely see me again!" The woman waved from afar.

So far, there weren't any attacks from him. He just drove in silence. You didn't know where is he taking you, there as still an hour and a half left before your shift starts. You didn't want to ask about the woman or the destination as it may trigger one of his unpleasant surprises.

In the end, both of you stopped at an establishment which you assume it to be a cafe. He parked his car next to a few other luxury cars. "Its another of those fancy ones."

You tried to open the door, but it was locked and there was no way for you to unlock it unless you reach over the driver's seat. Your heart started beating rapidly as you whipped your head towards him. You saw him getting closer, you shut your eyes tightly and hoped that everything would soon be over.

You expected a lot of things, but you didn't expect him to give you a simple, quick and sweet peck on the forehead. His lips curled up into a smile as he chuckled. "Thank you, (y/n)." Your shivered when he caressed the skin under your chin. "Thank me for what!?"

He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before putting your cap on your head. You got down from his car once he unlocked the doors.

The aroma of freshly ground coffee wafted past you. Soft chatters and jazzy music filled the cafe. There was a display of various pastries and cakes. "I can't even afford a packet of sugar here..." Vasilios lead you to a table by the window.

You eyeballed the menu. It's all in French! "No English translations?"

"Do you need assistance?" You looked up to see him resting his cheek against the back of his hand. His left arm propped his head up while the other holding the menu. You hesitantly nodded.
He smiled. "What is it do you need me to translate?"

"W-whats café noir?"

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now