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A/n: extremely short chapter to cleanse the palette from the last two intense chapters (Harlowe's arc) + no proofread

"Lizard Trombone?" The booming voice of the warden woke the male up. The male groan and opened his eyes to see that the door to his cell is open.

"Dude... it's Lizard T-boy. Whazzap?" He yawned and stretched his limbs.

"You're free to go." His eyes immediately shot open upon hearing that.

"Dude, like for reals!? I'm out!?" The warden nodded.

"Yo! Who paid for my bail?! I'm gonna give them a big fat smooch!" The warden rolled his eyes at Lizard.

Lizard was originally supposed to serve a year in jail, but due to his inability to pronounce anyone's name correctly, the jury nitpicked and extended his period to three years.

The prosecuting attorney, Bituin Luzviminda, was merciless when it comes to presenting evidence against Lizard. She was especially furious because he kept on pronouncing Bituin as 'Bitcoin' or 'Big Thing'.

It's his second week in jail and the number of his enemies balances with the number of his friends. Some hates him with a passion, some likes him because he's extremely funny and some... loves him in another way.

Lizard was sure to avoid them in the showers.

"You'll see. Come with me." Lizard follows the warden out. Along the way, his enemies, friends and 'boyfriends' hollered.

"Oh thank god that dumb bitch is finally out, go to hell Lizard!"

"Go back to elementary if you can't even pronounce 'Bob'!"

"Shut up! We'll beat your ass to death if we hear one more thing that comes outta yer mouth!"

"Yo! So soon? Oh well, nice meetin' ya, Lisa! Good luck out there, brotha!"

"Lizard! What the hell!? You're leaving me so soon!?"

"Aw man, I was lookin' forward to our little date tonight."

He shuddered at the last thing he hear before leaving.

"Aww yeaaaa..." he took off his prison uniform and puts on his civilian clothes.

"Awwww yeeeaaaaaa..." he took out his music box from the locker and started winding it up.

"Heeellll yeeahhhhh..." he tapped his foot on the ground as the beautiful tune reach his ears.

"Ahem." One of the officer cleared her throat to catch his attention.

"Oh! Yeah, smoochin' time. Where's the lucky dude or dudette?" Lizard kept the music box in his pocket before shutting the locker.

The officer pointed at the exit. In a blink of an eye, Lizard zoomed out, leaving the officer to eat his dust.

"Yoo—!" He froze when his eyes were met with Vasilios's intimidating, puffy and bloodshot green eyes.

Lizard blinked rapidly. He took a step backwards, to escape the shadow made by Vasilios's towering form.

"Huh?" Lizard was dumbfounded, why would he want to pay his bail after everything he has done to him?

The long haired male didn't say anything to him. He turned around and exit the waiting room.

Lizard ran after him, "Wait! It's cool, I'll still give ya a smooch! No hard feelings from the—hey..." He paused in his tracks when he saw Brandy, Tiana and Boss waiting in front of a white van.

A large, stylized decal that says "BRANDY'S FARM! Freshest produce." could be seen on the van.

Lizard watch Vasilios enter his own luxury car, with an unreadable expression. Lizard could tell that he was obviously bawling his eyes out before this, but why?

"Hey, what's happenin' guys? Why is he actin' all weird? Doesn't he want a kiss?" Lizard pointed at the long haired male.

"Listen Lizard, we um..." Brandy scratched the back of his head.

"We need yer help, again."

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now