Not-so-blind date

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Days came by quickly, maybe you did the right decision to entertain him that evening. He did not visit your workplace or home once. He didn't contact you at all, however, you still paid particular attention to your phone.

Your hickey was very noticeable, you had to buy a concealer just to cover it up because everyone familiar with you knows that you do not wear anything that covers your neck. Every time you apply your concealer in front of the mirror, you tried brainstorming for ideas on how to get rid of your tormentor. So far, you came up with nothing. "Damn it! The only thing that's stepping on me is my stupid marijuana farm! I can't just destroy it, the farm doesn't only belong to me!"

You are, in a way, a shareholder and a worker in that clandestine farm along with a few others. You agreed to be part of that because you needed the extra money to get through the month. If word gets out to the authorities, the other shareholders will have your head as fertilizer. You also ponder on how to go to the farm without Vasilios tailing you. You groan in frustration and took your phone out to dial a number.

"Goooooooood day! This is Brandy Dandy's fresh produce, where you can get your quality organics at a low price. This is Brandy and how may I help you this fine day?"

"Brandy, it's just me, (y/n)."

"Hey, where the hell were you? You're missing like three days of work. Tiana's back is gonna collapse if you keep on slackin' off. Plus, damn devil's lettuce is ready for harvestin'."

"Long story short, (f/n) paired me up with an asshole who stalks me and harassed me. Can't get a restraining order because (f/n) threatens to snitch on this farm." a gasp could be heard from the flamboyant man.

"How dare she. (f/n) worked for us! We helped her with her dream of being a professional matchmaker!"

"Wait, she worked here?"

"Yeah! She was a good one, too! Can't believe she would do this... Tell me everything from the beginning." and so you did, every single detail was heard by Brandy.

"M. Evanet Vasilios... I think I can get some dirt out of him. In the meantime, just survive your date today. Drop by if you can, please. Toodles!" Brandy hung up.
You put your phone away. You then made your way out of the building after putting on your baseball cap on. "I still have time. Maybe I can take a short trip to Brandy's and help out a bit. Poor Tiana, hope she still has her spine in shape."

You yelp in surprise when you saw Vasilios waiting for you. "Hey! You said eleven-thirty! You're three hours too early!" He tilted his head and crossed his arms across his chest. He was wearing less formal attire, a pair of white skinny jeans held by a leather belt and a black, round neck shirt that hugs his lean figure. Vasilios wore a pair of dark brown heeled boots as footwear and His outfit was completed with a long, red scarf. His long hair is styled in a neat bun today. "He dresses like a high-end magazine model. I wonder if his clothes are sponsored?"

"I'd say the same to you. Are you planning to go somewhere else without my knowledge?" He took a step closer to you. As a response, you took a step backward. You wanted to give a snarky remark, but seeing what he is capable of, you held your tongue.

"Aside from your work station and the nearby convenience store, you are not supposed to be anywhere else. Moreover, you couldn't possibly provide a cogent argument as to why you are going to work. You aren't supposed to work today. You have taken your breakfast earlier, ergo, no reason for you visit the convenience store either." He quickened his pace, you did so too. You moved backward until your back hits a wall. You mumbled curses when you looked around for witnesses but found no one. No cameras can be seen nearby too.

Vasilios trapped you between his arms. Effectively pinning you against the wall. Staring at him straight in the eyes sent waves of dread and chills throughout your body. The height and size difference between both of you made the situation even more frightening.

"Where did you intend to go?—" he traced your jawline with his fingers. "—Is there... another place that I am not aware of?" His voice was barely above a whisper, but you felt like he was yelling at you because he gave out such a threatening vibe.

"Tell me. Where did you intend to go?" It had a harsher tone than before, his eyes had a dangerous glint in it. You need to get him to stop provoking you like this or you would start crying. You opened your mouth, but no sound came out of it.

"Hmm?" His fingers are now tracing down the side of your neck to the shape of your collarbone. His face was so close to yours that you felt his stray hairs tickling your nose. You were planning to knee him in the crotch, but you knew it will come back to bite you in the rear. "(Y/n)." Vasilios's patience started thinning out, clearly evident in his voice. You still kept your silence, you had no idea what to say, until he starts counting down... "One, Two—"

"I-I was planning to get a-... a gift! J-just for you!" His previous stony facial expression turned into another one of surprise. He lets you free, now you stood an appropriate length away from him.

"A gift...? For me...?" You nodded excessively.

"Y-yes! It would be rude of me to just... show the hell up empty-handed, right?" You hope that he does not become suspicious of the tremendous amount of sweat you are producing. There was a moment of silence between the both of you, he maintained the astonished look. Your heart has never pounded this fast before. "Can I really pull this shit off? What the hell would happen if he catches on—"

He gave a gentle, non-forceful and loving kiss on your cheek. A genuine, happy smile crept upon his face.

"You're such a darling, (y/n)." That was all he said before returning to the driver's seat of his car and driving off with an unnatural grin on his handsome face.

Your lungs decompressed and your back slid down against the wall until you were finally sitting on the ground. You were still panting and wheezing in relief and in fear, in short, you were a shivering mess. "How long did he wait there? How did he know that I ate? How did he know when are my off days? How—?" So many questions were running through your head which you had no answers to.

"This is getting out of hand. I gotta find a way to stop this before it turns into a raging shitstorm. But how? I'm not in a very nice position to do this...." you took off your cap and ran your fingers through your hair. "(F/n)'s right, I AM easy to control."

You wobbled a bit as you rose from your resting position. Now is not the time to sulk, you needed to get a 'gift' for Vasilios.

Luckily you remembered that there was a gift shop nearby Brandy's farm.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now