A morning at his place (slight nsfw)

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A/n: no lemons, but there are implications. Sorry, short and rushed chapter.

You felt a bit chilly, your hands searched for the blanket. You then felt something soft and silky, thinking its fabric, you tugged on it. "What the hell is wrong with this blanket? It's falling apart... whatever." Thinking that it's trapped underneath something heavy, you forcefully yanked forward.

"(Y/n)!" Vasilios exclaimed. Your eyes shot open, you whipped your head to your side. Turns out, you were pulling on his long, black hair, his head was tilted towards the direction of the force.

Looks like you pulled a bit too hard, you saw a tear forming in the corner of his left eye.

Almost immediately, you let go of his shiny locks. "Crap! I'm sorry, I thought that's the blanket!" You watch in horror as a few plucked strands stuck onto your hand. He watched in horror too.

"Wait what the..." memories of what the both of you did came flooding in. "Oh right..." you grimaced as you watch him cradle his hair.

You couldn't believe it, out of all the men and women you slept with, he was the best in bed. Hell, he made them all seem like low-levelled amateurs! Vasilios did all the work for you for two whole hours. His terrific skills made it feel like it was only mere minutes.

You were too ashamed to even admit to yourself that he made you climax more than ten times and you craved for more.

"Hate to admit it, but that was the best dick appointment ever. If there was like an olympics err... competition for this, he would have won gold. Too bad, he wouldn't even get past through audition for personality."

However, the only thing that you didn't like about the lengthy, steamy session last night is that his long hair occasionally slaps your face or gets into your mouth. Also, you didn't like the markings he gave you, there were hickeys and bite marks everywhere on your body. "Maybe I should have taped his mouth shut before messing around. Yeah, and tie his hair into a bun or something."

You stared at him, terror evident on your face. You don't know what is he going to do next. Is he going to beat you into a pulp for damaging his precious scalp? Or is he going to break up and make (f/n) rat on you?

You prefer him to choose the latter so that you could focus only on the problems revolving (f/n). But either way, it will cause trouble for you.

He finally recovers from the shock and pain. Vasilios grabbed a hair tie on the nightstand, next to him then styled his hair into a loose bun. His slender fingers gently flicked your forehead.

"Don't do that again." Then he pecked your lips.

"...and a pleasant morning to you." He picked up the pen and notebook he dropped, then continued scribbling something on it. You didn't care to know what is he doing, you looked around the room for a wall clock.

"Huh, no clock?" You mumbled. He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes.

"You still have three hours before work. Perfect for another love-making session." He said that nonchalantly. As if it was something mundane.

"Err, no thanks." You sat up from the bed and rubbed your eyes. You then stumbled out of the room, grabbing your clothing that is strewn all over the place. "I guess both of us were really horny last night... good thing he's sensible enough to use a condom."

You splashed your face with cold water to wake yourself up. Then you gargled with another amount.

You froze. Then swallowed the water. You were surprised by the quality of the tap water. You couldn't help yourself but drink excessively as your throat is dry. "Man! Rich people's tap water is CRISP! Shit, I can drink this all day!"

"(Y/n)? You've been there for an hour—" He was shocked that the door wasn't locked. So he went in to be baffled with the scene presented in front of him.

"What...were you doing?" He was only wearing a beige, bathrobe. While you're fully dressed, your collar was slightly drenched.

You turned the tap off. "Tap water here is pretty crisp, do you rich folks pay for better quality water?"
He knitted his eyebrows in concern.

"Were you drinking tap water for... an hour?" You tentatively nodded. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of course, I should have prepared a glass of water for you..." he mumbled under his breath. "You must be severely dehydrated."

He grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you downstairs to his dining area while he enters the kitchen. You peeked into it and the layout of it reminds you of your grandparent's home. "He has an 'old people' taste in interior designing."

You took notice of the plates of food laid out on the dining table. There were two plates, each filled with a stack of pancakes. They were buttered and syrup was dripping down from the top to bottom.

Blueberries and raspberries were scattered on them. A mint leaf was used as a garnish.

You wanted to immediately dig in, but you decided to play it safe and wait for Vasilios. He then came out with a glass cup, filled with clear, carbonated liquid. The condensing droplets on the surface of the cup gave you the idea that it is still cold.

Vasilios handed it to you. Then he took a seat.

"Sit." Another wave of deja vu washed over you.

You did what you were told, which earned a rare smile from him. You picked up the fork in front of you, about to push it into the pancakes.

You stopped when you saw his smile fell and was replaced with a scowl. "What now!?" Not knowing what to do, you stared at him.

"You shouldn't ingest anything while you're still dehydrated." You nodded at the hint he gave you.

Picking up the cup he gave you, you asked him, "What's this?"

"An isotonic drink, it should restore your electrolytes." He tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear.

"So a soda? Pfft, no way am I dehydrated. I drank like a gallon of water a while ago." You were wrong, once it touched your lips, you instantly chugged it down.

Vasilios rested his cheek on his fist, shaking his head at your personality.

Oh, you are truly perfect for him.

You missed his happy grin while you're busy inhaling the liquid.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now