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You were pretty jittery and alert after that. The ride was silent but your mind wasn't.

You tried to ignore the throbbing pain from your fist, however, you couldn't help but wince from time to time. Waves of anxiety wash over you repeatedly, you thought that he is starting to get suspicious and will become more stalkerish towards you after today.

Actually, he wasn't feeling like how you thought he would be. Quite the contrary, he felt flattered. Flattered that you would resort to such an extreme measure to let him keep such a wonderful gift.

That behaviour is sure to be rewarded handsomely later. Vasilios licked his lips thinking about it.

He drove to a restaurant, it doesn't seem to be a strict one like Restaurante Amor. Yet, from the design of the building, you could predict that the prices will not go easy on your wallet.

"Family restaurant...?" You saw a couple with two toddlers walking out of the restaurant, giggling and generally exude a very happy vibe. One of the children was holding a green balloon while the other was holding a plastic toy.

You deduced that the family of four earns an income similar to Vasilios because they were wearing clothes that are of high quality. Moreover they were walking towards a well known, expensive family car. You grimaced, this is going to be harsh on your savings account. "Damn, they're probably charging like five bucks for a cup of tap water..."

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt the other male in the car kissed on the back of your neck. You jolted and rubbed the spot with your hand. A deep chuckle reached your ears before the sound of the car door opening.

You were right, a cup of water DID cost five dollars and that was the cheapest item on the menu. Vasilios chose the food for both you without asking what would you like first. You pursed your lips and did not say anything, seeing that he likes being controlling...

"Alright sir, would you both like anything else?" The polite waitress asked.


"Actually ma'am, can I please get a bucket of ice? Y'know, the bucket of ice that is used to chill wine bottles?" The waitress nodded and tapped on her electronic tablet. You gawk at their advanced method of taking orders.

"Sure! I'm going to repeat your orders..." You didn't pay attention to the order as the pain on your hand is starting to increase.

"Yes, that is all. Thank you." Vasilios dismissed the waitress. After she left, you stared at your bruised knuckles. You hissed in pain when you touched them.

Then you remember that you came with someone else, you looked up to see Vasilios. His attention was not on you for the first time. You were relieved and then felt curious what grabbed his attention.

He was watching children playing on the miniature playground. They were rowdy and energetic, screaming, shouting and yelling as they jump around like monkeys. The parents were sitting near the area, eating and chatting with eachother calmly.

You noticed that there were some employees wearing surgical masks  and blue, latex gloves holding a spray bottle of clear liquid. When a child wants to enter or exit the playground, the employees would spray their hands and feet with the clear liquid. "Is that... sanitizer?"

The same waitress from before sets down the bucket of ice in front of you. You thank her and immediately stuck your bruised hand in there for pain relief. A soft, almost invisible smile was on Vasilios's face when he watches some of the children being affectionate with their parents.

A sudden shrill, playful scream from one of the children in the playground made you wince and use your other free hand to cover your ear. You were surprised that Vasilios was unfazed and it looks like he was admiring the relationship that the children have with their guardians.

"You like kids, huh." You attempted to initiate a conversation. He turned his head towards you. His eyes glanced downwards briefly and a slightly toothy smile graced his features.

"Do you?" He asked.

You shifted your eyes to the crowded playground. One of the employees is carrying a crying, snotty child away from the play area. You visibly cringed.

"Err... no." You shuddered in disgust. A flash of surprise crossed his face.

"Oh? Well, I didn't expect that." He mumbled. You furrowed your eyebrows. "I am quite fond of them."

You certainly didn't expect that too. "Neat." You nodded and pushed your injured hand deeper into the ice bucket.

As if on cue, a young boy came up to you and tapped your arm. "Tag!" He giggled and ran towards his group of friends. You froze.

Seeing that you weren't playing along, his other friends ran to you and started tapping on your shoulder. "C'mon, miss! Play with us! Tag!"

"Uhh..." you looked around, no wonder they chose you because the rest of the customers were older than the age of 40. Maybe they weren't comfortable playing with their parents. Or maybe you just have a very obvious babyface.

"I uh, why don't you play with this guy here? He likes you guys." You pointed at Vasilios. Suddenly the group of children fell silent and stared at him with inferior body language. One even started shivering in fear.

His smile fell and was replaced with a blank look. "U-umm... no, thanks m-mister. Sorry t-to disturb, Goodbye!" The leader ran away faster than the speed of light, his friends followed suit.

You used your free hand to cover your mouth in disbelief. Your eyes shifted to him then to the direction where the group of children gone. "Whoops, I guess he hates children now."

Then the waitress sets down two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. Vasilios gazed at it for a while before sighing and proceeding to un-cork it with the corkscrew provided.

He poured wine in his glass until its full. Your jaw dropped when he finished the whole glass with only a single swig. Vasilios sets down the wine glass firmly on the wooden table, staring at you with unreadable eyes.

"H-hey, don't mean to be um... rude. But aren't you driving later?" You bit your inner cheek, you can only pray that he doesn't lash out on you.

"I can tolerate very high concentrations of alcohol. I will be alright." He poured more, this time its only half the glass. Vasilios swirled the crimson liquid around in its fragile container while his eyes are following it's fluid movements. You found it quite melancholic to watch him like this, but you didn't dare to say anything because it might lead to something undesirable.

Reader when kids rejected Vasilios:

Sorry short chapter todayPlease check out my other yanderexreader book: 'Ignorance Is Bliss' :))

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Sorry short chapter today
Please check out my other yanderexreader book: 'Ignorance Is Bliss' :))

Thanks for reading and voting ilyasm :)) <33

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