A change

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He lets you down the same way he lifted you up: by the waist. Needless to say, you were trembling when your feet touch the ground. A familiar red cloth draped over your head, obstructing your vision.

You lifted your arms to pull it off, Vasilios took that as an opportunity to playfully tickle your side. You broke into a fit of laughter, all the while with the scarf covering your head.

"Ha ha h-ha! Stop!" He continued tickling you until you dropped to the floor. Your back was arched and knees were raised, trying to minimize the surface area that he can touch.

You couldn't tell if he was smiling, frowning or crying because the scarf is still covering your eyes. "Where the hell is Boss?!"

You laughed so hard until tears came out of your eyes. "P-please.. h-ha ha! S..stop!" You wheezed and coughed as his fingers stopped moving and were pulled away from your sides.

You sat up straight and pulled the scarf away from your head, exposing your messy hair. "Huh? Where did he go? I swear, he was just right in front of me—"

Two strong hands lifted you up by the armpits from the back. Once you are finally standing upright, Vasilios embraced you lovingly from behind, his tall stature engulfing your relatively smaller one. "You're so clumsy. I love it."

It was pleasant and innocuous enough to be counted as a sweet, bear hug from a lover. His left hand did not roam around your body, it just stayed on your waist. Whereas his right one was ruffling your hair, making it even messier. Amidst the whole display, a booming thought crosses your mind again, "where the hell is my Boss!?"

Though not aloud, but you admit that you prefer this side of him rather than the persona he takes on earlier. He is less (erotically) intimidating and more light-hearted. "Hey, maybe this isn't too bad." You unconsciously sunk deeper into his hug.

"You like it when I act like this, don't you?" He murmured on the top of your head. Your unkempt hair muffled his smoky voice. "Well, I guess this is better than being treated like a toothbrush..." you nervously nodded. The vibration from his chuckling was enough to send chills down your spine.

"Consider this as a reward for being such a sweetheart lately." He purred.

If you could shoot him in the head with a gun right now, you would. But you have no gun and no guts to do so. "Wish he would stop playing god with me, though. Damn, where the hell is that old coot!?"

Should you let him continue like this or risk reverting back to his old self by asking where your boss is? You hated making decisions, but you decided to go with letting him do what he wants until he clearly allows you to change the mood.

After a few minutes of silent hugging, he slowly lets you go and gently wrapped the scarf around your neck. He playfully pinches your nose and placed a quick kiss on the top of it.

A never-seen-before sunshiny and toothy smile adorn his attractive features, there weren't any hints of seduction mixed into it. Just pure, innocent and wholesome love. A rare, rosy hue was lightly painted on his cheeks. You never noticed it before, but he actually has a dimple on his left cheek.

He just looks like a sweet, dreamy and dorky boyfriend, not a dangerous, sexual predator anymore.

You were left baffled with the sudden, out of the blue shift in his demeanour. You never knew he was capable of being normal. Is this his true self? Or is he just a fantastic actor that put on a mask to manipulate you?

You made a mental note to ask Harlowe if he had joined any clubs or classes related to acting.

"Wait a minute, he's like an English teacher. There's bound to be some acting."

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now