Bird Trick

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You did not respond. You didn't want to tell him that you don't feel the same way, knowing his unstable character, he might give you another 'jumpscare'.

However, you didn't want to lead him on. If you lie and tell Vasilios that you love him too, it may be harder to get out of the relationship when Brandy finally 'silences' (f/n). Plus, he may even give you more than just a 'jumpscare.'

So you gave him a thumbs up and a tight-lipped smile.

Vasilios is delusional. He truly believed that you love him for who he is. But you never told him that, so why? Simple.

Your 'affectionate' behaviour (of hugging him to avoid being attacked), your selflessness (making him less scary to children by spouting funny nonsense about him) and your caring personality (stopping him from driving his car off the cliff because you didn't want to be the main suspect of his death) implanted a fertile thought that you loved him as much as he loves you.

Vasilios daintily brought his hand to his smiling lips. He believes that you're just extremely shy to verbally express yourself, hence you resorted to another, more effective form of expression: physical.

He didn't mind, action speaks louder than words, anyways.

You stayed with him through his vulnerable and 'un-sexy'  times, you've earned his utmost trust, respect and ultimately his heart. In return, he is going to stay with you no matter the circumstance, whether you like it or not.

It's funny to think that he found his soulmate through a matchmaker and not... through natural or traditional means.

He chuckled softly, a hint of sadness can be felt.

Vasilios slowly stood back on his feet, you watched him carefully, making sure he isn't pulling another dangerous stunt.

He offered his hand to you.
"Let's go home."

"Hermes, you won't believe what your master and I went through—" you spoke to the bird while Vasilios is taking a shower. It cocked its head to the side, observing you with docile, beady eyes.

"Long story short, he became butt-hurt when his aunt called him worthless... okay, I guess I'd be butt-hurt too, but he tried to bring me down with him! He tried to kill both of us!" You vented out to the bird, knowing very well it can't understand you. But you needed someone or something to talk to.

"I didn't lock my room, I didn't get my damn phone charger! All I managed to take was my toothbrush!" You showed the bird your (f/c) toothbrush.

"Damn it, Hermes! Is your master always like this? A crazy bitch?" You asked. It squeaked repeatedly.

Meanwhile, Vasilios lets his tears mix with the pristine running water from his showerhead. The sound of the water droplets rapidly hitting against the tiles muffled his painful sobs.

He clenched his fist, that woman opened a severe, emotional wound and rubbed salt on it! It took him decades to get over that and Harlowe destroyed all his hard work in a few words!

Gasping and whimpering, he leaned against the wall for support as tears pour out of his eyes like a waterfall. He needs to cry it out, he must feel it. He cannot suppress it anymore or else he might hurt himself.

Or, even worse, hurt you.

But, it's okay. For the first time in his life, he felt okay to let it out. To show the softer side of him. He knew that it is because of you.

He felt so much better.

Vasilios lets out a shaky laugh as he hugs himself, he tilts his head up to let the flowing water rinse the negativity off him.

"Oh, (y/n). I love you so much, your tiny mind wouldn't be able to comprehend..." He whispered to himself.

Vasilios lets out a loud, gleeful laugh. He has never felt this way before, how lovely of you to let him experience such heaven.

You paused when you heard his chortle from downstairs.

"See what I mean, Hermes? That he's nuts! How can you stand him?!" You half-whispered to the cockatiel. It lets out a gentle whistle, and it flew from a vase to his cage.

"Huh?" It held his empty food bowl up with its beak. "Hungry, huh?"

You looked around for any sign of the male before grabbing Hermes's empty food bowl and bolting into the kitchen. Hermes extended it's neck so it could have a better view of you.

You spent a few minutes in there, rummaging through the cupboards until you find an opened bag of bird food, sealed with a rubber band.

You returned to Hermes with his food bowl filled up. Hermes's pupils dilate in excitement.

"Damn it, Hermes. If I die from a heart attack tomorrow, do me a favour and poke your master's eyes out— what—" Hermes flapped its wings, elevating itself. You sealed your eyes shut, thinking that it's going to attack you again. Your hand holding onto the food bowl raised up to shield yourself.

Wrong, it landed itself on the top of your head. It sits there comfortably, sticking its beak in the bowl of bird seeds. You hesitantly opened your eyes. "Damn, okay. At least its friendlier now, jeez! You're heavy!"

It felt like a sack of rice was resting on your head.

Vasilios dried himself with a towel. He grinned and sighed. "Oh, my (y/n). You've cast such a powerful spell upon me, I love it..." He chuckled.

Slipping into his bathrobe, he neatly hung the towel back on the rack.

"(Y/n)?" He called out from the hallway.

"Down here." You replied loudly. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked down the stairs, tying the sash on his bathrobe.

"Still down there? Shouldn't you be up—" He stopped in his tracks upon seeing the large bird comically sitting on your head, distracted by the food bowl.

Vasilios rubbed his eyes. "Now, just what am I looking at?" He was also trying to stifle his laughter.

"I-it doesn't shit on people, right?" You pointed at Hermes. He shook his head.

"I've trained him well. He wouldn't dare to." He snapped his fingers twice, the bird lifted his head up and squawked in panic. It leapt off your head and flew to his hand.

You rubbed your head and set the now nearly empty food bowl in his cage. "Damn, why is he so heavy?" You asked.

"Hermes is morbidly obese. I made the mistake of overfeeding him years ago. His vet placed him on a strict diet." Vasilios eyed the food bowl.

"You were tricked by Hermes into feeding him again." He glared at the bird, making it droop its head in fear and maybe even shame.

"Whoops." You scratched the back of your neck. Vasilios returned his eyes on you.

"Go bathe, I'll cook dinner." He told you. You immediately scurried away.

Vasilios chuckled and shook his head, bringing Hermes back to it's cage.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now