Lunch break

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A/n: I posted a clearer explanation for the previous chapter in "A book where I can do whatever the hell i want" with some additional fun facts.

"Hello?" You heard a raspy voice from the other side. No doubt it's from the woman you met this morning in the Laundromat.

"Hey, this is (y/n). We met this morning while we're doing laundry." You fidgeted as there was a pause.

"Oh! The poor girl with that asshole, Evanet!" She let out a hearty laughter.

"Hi, baby! How'd you get my number?" Her voice rose up an octave. You had to pull the phone away from your ear as she was too loud.

"Um, I got it from Tiana. Tiana Balls?"

"Ah, that girl! She's fun to talk to. Can't take her seriously because of her surname. But hey, who am I to judge?" You heard another thundering laugh from her. The woman reminded you of a Viking, loud and outgoing. "(Y/n), right? Mine's Harlowe. Harlowe A. Delano. Great to have your contact!"

"Hey, I just wanna say thanks for being there. Vas— er, Evanet's really a pain in the ass." You scratched the back of your head.

"Gosh, I know right! Poor girl, I heard he's extremely horny now! I can't imagine the crap he makes you go through! Why did you choose him though?"

"Err, long story. Involving a friend setting a blind date with him and some blackmail." You heard her 'tsk' repeatedly.

"Poor (y/n). Hey, tell me where you're at right now, I wanna meet up and know more about you!" She is the polar opposite of Vasilios, Harlow is incredibly playful and energetic unlike him.

Also, unlike him, she's friendly.

"Um, I'm at work right now. We can meet up at another time. But it's hard with Evanet constantly breathing down on my neck." You looked at the main entrance to see if there's any sign of him.

"Aww... well, tell me where you work and I'll visit you during your lunch break!" You love her enthusiastic replies, it was like taking a fresh breath from Evanet/Vasilios's usual, quiet and intimidating ones.

"Evanet's going to kill me! He's going to be here during lunch break, he's also driving me home!" You nervously looked at the wall clock. Harlowe hummed.

"I'll find a way to get to you, You'll see! This ain't the last of Harlowe, baby!" Both of you burst into a fit of giggles. Then suddenly you remembered something.

"Hey, Harlowe. Am I interrupting your sleep? I heard from Tiana you're nocturnal."

"Mmm yeah, but a call from you is a nice thing to wake up to!" You smiled.

"Right, sorry for the trouble. I'll leave you be for now to catch up on your shut-eye."

"Nooo, It's okay! There are no problems here, don't go! I like hearing your voice, I like to talk to you, please don't go!" You were taken aback by the sudden strain in her voice. Harlowe sounded quite desperate and pained.

"I need to get back to work too, don't worry, I'll talk to you later." You assured her.

"Heh heh heh, alright! See you later, bye (y/n)—baby!" Her voice turned back to normal.

"Bye." You immediately hung up.

"What the hell was that? She sounded like the world's gonna end if the call ends. God, they must be one 'effed up family."

Boss gave you a very, early break, you were grateful for that.

It was a grave mistake thinking you could wake up from your usual afternoon nap on time.

You felt something silky and soft brushing against the side of your face. Thinking it was some kind of insect, you groan and raised your hand to brush it off.

You jolted awake when you felt a large, smooth hand grab your wrist.

"I could do many things to you while you're asleep, darling." You felt something wet and warm ran across the skin behind your ear.

You shot up from your chair, covering your ear. His sensual whisper and erotic lick served as a harsh alarm clock for you.

"W-when did you get in?" You were flustered and insecure. He stood up from his crouching position and calmly took a few steps forward. In response, you took a few steps back.

What bad luck, your back hits a wall. Before you could slip out of his line of attack, he pinned you against the wall. Both of your hands are held above your head. You shut your eyes tightly, hoping whatever punishment he is about to give you is going to be over soon.

A cold finger traced your jawline, he took his sweet time doing so because he loved seeing the goosebumps on your skin. Once that finger reached the area under your chin, he firmly pressed upwards, making you tilt your head upwards.

He loves seeing you this powerless, this vulnerable.

You are under his mercy.

You flinched when you felt his plump lips on yours. You clenched yours shut so much that it turned white.

It lingered there for a while before he pulled back and lets go of your hands. Once you were free, you stopped holding your breath and panted.

You were expecting something forceful, you were relieved that it wasn't.

You hesitantly opened both of your eyes to see Vasilios's eyes twinkling with joy and an unusual, gentle smile graced his handsome androgynous face.

"You're fun to tease." He pecked you on your cheek before strolling out of the janitor's closet.

You weren't done catching your breath yet. You stayed a little longer before leaving the room. You muttered curses while doing so. "Damn! Where the hell is Boss? Why didn't she tell me!?"

You rubbed your eyes and did not see where you're heading, you bumped into Vasilios's tall frame.

"Argh! I'm sorry!" You panic, fearing that he might 'tease' you again. You used your arms to shield yourself.

He unexpectedly grabbed you by the waist and lifted you up. You yelped and instinctively held onto him by wrapping your arms around his neck and wrapping your legs around his torso.

"You're so... petite. It's adorable." His voice was muffled because he buried his face in your neck. Your eyes dart around your surroundings, "Where the hell is Boss!?"

He pulls his head away and gave you numerous, light, butterfly kisses on your face. They weren't unpleasant, they were nice and sweet for once. "Dear God, I love you so much that I can't describe how much I do, even with my vast reservoir of words." He cooed.

You looked at him, and thought, "this... isn't the face of a horny bastard anymore, it's so damn innocent and pure. What the hell?" You were shocked by his sudden personality shift. Vasilios became more affectionate and less salacious now.

You likened his attitude with the lottery: awfully unpredictable.

You don't believe a word he says about loving you, he loves the control over you! Plus, it's only been around two weeks since you first met him!

While he's busy basking in your presence, you scanned around for your boss. "Where in the hell is she!?"

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now