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You paced around the entrance, anxiously fidgeting with your hands. Your boss waits with you, reading a novel near the doorframe. You chew on your nails to calm yourself down, the thought of him picking you up is nerve-wracking.

You stopped in your tracks when you see a familiar red and white luxury car, speeding towards your boss's woodwork shop. "Guess he gets all his money from his written works. I wonder how did he manage to write so many in a relatively short period of time."

He pulled over next to you and got out of the car. This time, he is wearing a simple, white buttoned-up shirt with a black jacket hanging over his shoulders. Instead of the sailor pants, he wears navy blue and white striped palazzo pants. "His wardrobe must be huge. Did he grow extra tall after a few hours?"

You took a look at his feet. He was wearing black platform boots. "Figures."

You saw your boss swoon over Vasilios, which he paid no mind to. He grabbed you by the waist and dragged you to the passenger's seat, of course, you quickly push his arm away before his grip gets too tight.

"Wait! Damn it, I don't trust you! We just met like, twice! I am uncomfortable being alone with you, especially in your car!" You held your arm in front of you, in case he intends to assault you again. You expected that he would give up but you were wrong. He wrapped his jacket around you and zipped up. Effectively trapping your arms within the jacket all the while maintaining the unreadable expression on his face.

He was about to push you into the passenger's seat, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "H-hold on a minute there, sir. I'm a big fan of your works but you can't just force (y/n) to go with you! She isn't a puppet you can control, she has feelings too!"

Your boss, had a worried expression on her aged face. Vasilios paused for a moment, you couldn't see his face as his back was turned against you.

"That's right you self-centered bastard!" You freed yourself from his jacket and got out of the car. Surprisingly he did not push you back in or do anything to stop you. Turning around, Vasilios had his arms crossed over his chest again. This time with a slight frown.

"I see. My apologies, (y/n). There is something that I have been meaning to discuss with you. I thought it was a wonderful opportunity to do so by being alone together." You saw him gritting his teeth a bit.

"I am sorry sir, but you are creepin' my worker out. I'm gonna have to ask you to—"

"No, wait, boss. I'll.." you gulped. "...let him drive me home."

"Are you sure?" You nodded at her question.

"I know ain't gonna leave this shop alone, he is gonna cause problems which neither both of us can fix with our savings." The corners of Vasilios's lips turned upwards a bit. It made you flinch. Your boss eyed him suspiciously before giving you a hug. "Wh-"

"Pepper spray in your left pocket." Your boss whispered into your ear, you nodded and broke the hug. "Stay safe girl." She gave you a few pats on your back as you trudged to the passenger's seat. Vasilios's countenance transformed into a softer one.

You jolted when he shuts the door for you. You felt the air tighten around you as Vasilios gets in. The smell of his cologne is overpowering to your senses. You saw your boss wave as the car moves. Both of you sat in silence, you gripped onto the pepper spray with your left hand and the other gripping onto the seatbelt over your chest.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now