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Both of you ate in silence. He prepared (favourite type but non-dairy) toast for you while he prepares a mug of instant oats for himself.

Vasilios noticed that your left hand is constantly covering the bullet-inflicted bruised on your lower torso. It hurts him every time you flinch at his smallest movements.

He wonders to himself, were the signs always there or is he just paying attention to it now? Vasilios placed a scoop of oatmeal in his mouth.

"Damn, I gotta find another way out." You thought to yourself as you munch on your toast.

"You're pale." He stated.

"Good to know." You replied with a strained tone and a pained smile. You stomp your right feet on the floor, hoping that it would release some frustrations.

The long-haired male took note of your moodiness before slowly moving the back of his hand towards your forehead. Vasilios tried his best to ignore your flinches.

No fever. That doesn't explain why you look so sickly.

"(Y/n), look at me." he sternly commanded. Your exhausted (e/c) eyes meet his worried green ones.

"What happened?" He gently asked. Vasilios eyes darted to your hand, it instinctively rubbed the bruise.

"Nothing." You kept it short and snappy.

"A bullet isn't nothing. You could have gotten yourself killed." He replied.

"Good to know." You bit on your inner cheek, hopefully, he would shut up.

"(Y/n)—" He cut his sentence short when he noticed you staring fearfully at something behind him.

Vasilios furrowed his eyebrows when you raised your hands up in the air. "What are—"

"Shut yer trap, dude! You caused this shitstorm!" A third voice yelled at him as Vasilios felt something cold and metallic press against his head.

He raised his hands up in the air too.

"What do you want?" He asked stoically, Vasilios wondered why did Hermes not alert you or him of the intruder's presence. Wait, where is Hermes?

"Bro, I just want to live my life. But nooo, by gettin' a shady matchmaker to get weed chick there—" You jolted as Lizard points another gun at you.

"Where did he get a second gun!?"

"—you sent a whole ass army after my ass!" Although Vasilios may not show that he's panicking or he's afraid, you could still see his lower lip twitching from time to time.

"...what?" Vasilios replied.

"Okay dude, I ain't here to hurt nobody. Not you, not (common mispronunciation of your name) and not your huge, flying chicken." Vasilios was staring intensely at you, wishing that he could hold your trembling hands to comfort you.

"I just need you to ring up (common mispronunciation of friend's name) and tell her to cut this shit out!"

"(Common mispronunciation of friends name)? I do not know anyone by that—"

"He means (f/n), he goddamn means (f/n)." You shakily interrupted. "P-please, call her." You wheezed.

"What is going on—?"

"Vasilios, I've been in these types of situation before, acting like an entitled bitch is an instant ticket to the pearly gates. Shut up and grab your damn phone." You hissed at Vasilios and kicked his shin under the table.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now