Another problem

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"How do you know where I was?" You asked her, a goofy grin made its way up to her face.

"Oh, I have my ways. Ha ha!" Of course, she kept her eyes trained on the road. "Alright! Next stop, your apartment?"

You rubbed your chin in contemplation. Should you go back and take the charger? But there might be a chance that Vasilios is waiting for you there.

"Um, no. Too risky for me, just drop me off the nearest bus..." you bit your lower lip, no way are there any buses to Brandy's farm now!

"It's okay, baby! Don't be shy, I'll bring you where ever you want to go." She reduced the pressure on her gas pedal to drive slowly.

"You sure?" You eyed her carefully.

She nodded.

"You'll just need to pay a little fee once we get there! No worries, I'm not some kinda money vampire. So I don't want your money, I have plenty of those already." It raised an alarm in you, if she doesn't want money, what in the world does she want? What in the world can you give?

"What fee?" She smirked.

"You'll see. Now, whereddya wanna go?" Should you? Should you trust her?

She's related to Vasilios by blood after all, hence she may have some... undesirable tendencies similar to his.

You look out of the window, you're in the middle of nowhere with no way of contacting your friends.

Maybe... getting into her car wasn't the best idea. You should have hidden in the bushes.

"Ding dong, anyone home? Ha ha!" She laughed. Harlowe is seriously starting to creep you out.

Then, a question came to mind.
"Hey Harlowe, is this really your car?" You asked her. You did not remember seeing this car parked near your apartment complex.

A flash of surprise came across her face.

"Why do you ask?"

"Gut feeling." You replied. Harlowe stopped the car and looked at you.

"Gut feeling? Why, is it cause of my tattoos? Ya think I'm some kinda criminal?" Harlowe raised her eyebrow. You pursed your lips.

"No, I didn't see this car parked anywhere near my apartment yesterday." She shrugged.

"Well, I could have parked somewhere else." You shook your head again.

"There isn't anywhere else for you to park except the side of the road and the small parking lot."

"Well, I could have parked further down." Harlowe retorted.

"That... ain't possible. The 'further down' is a ten minute run to my room. You weren't sweating or tired when I saw you." The blond snorted.

"Maybe you could have missed it? Baby, I still don't understand why you're so suspicious if this is my car or not."

"I didn't see this car at the Laundromat either."

"Well, I—"

"Plus, it's pretty neat and no smell of weed." The car came to a halting screech. You held onto your seatbelt tightly as you were thrown forward.

There was a long pause while she burns holes through your head.

"Pfft—! Ha ha ha!" She threw herself back onto the driver's seat and laughed maniacally. You pressed yourself against the door, maximizing the space between you and the somewhat unstable female.

She laughed so hard that she started wheezing and slapping her knee.

"Oh! Ha ha! You're a real detective, aren't ya?" She wiped the tears off her eyes and gave you a 'noogie'.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now