Make it right

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A/n: short chapter

"...yeah, that's— that's pretty much it." You explained to Vasilios your side of the story from A to Z. He was surprised about the blackmail and you were working multiple jobs. You were careful not to tell him too much about your true feelings (of hatred) towards him.

"Okay, so!" Vasilios flinch when Lizard pushed the gun nearer to him.

"Weed chick's story was heard. Million-dollar question is, can you lift the blackmail?" Vasilios gulped and closed his eyes momentarily.

"The contract (f/n) made me sign stated 'no returns or refunds'. It's unlikely I can convince her to l-lift it." Vasilios stuttered at the end because he panicked when the cold tip of the gun touches his skin.

"Hm! A tragedy! Okay, now it's time... to do some emotional mining!" Lizard took a sip from his Spronk drink. Vasilios raised en eyebrow at that, what does he mean by emotional mining?

"(Mispronunciation of y/n), tell him the truth! Do you love him?" Now you're in a dilemma. If you said no, he might contact (f/n) to execute the blackmail. But if you were to say yes... you're definitely lying and it may cause more problems later.

"I uh..."

Vasilios was disappointed at your hesitation to say that you love him.

Lizard noticed your lack of response, so he backtracked.

"Okay, okay, that's too far. Let's start with something less ouchy-ouchy. What do hate about him?"

"What is the point of this?" Vasilios snapped.

"I hope you've been listenin', dude. So, you know that Brandy's farm sells another kind of lettuce, right?" Vasilios stared at him.

"Riiight?" Lizard widened his eyes at him and pressed the cold metal against his cheek.

"Y-yes." Vasilios gasped.

"Okay, I know that if your chick right leaves you, you're gonna complain to your matchmaker and she's gonna snitch! I can't have that, I need my daily fix, bro!" He threw his hands up in the air.

"So! Since we can't make her shut up by killing her, we gotta shut her up by y'know— givin' her what she wants— oh!" He stomps his feet on the floor.

"How about this!? Your chick do whatever the hell she wants, you don't complain to your matchmaker, I go home and everyone will be happy, deal?" You hope that it would work.

"What!? No!" Oh well.

Vasilios whipped his head towards you. "I'm not letting you leave me. I love you too much, I can't bear to lose you!"

To know that you're itching to leave him seared his heart. However, he's not angry at you for thinking that way, he understood that his foolishness caused you to repel away from him.

"Mhm, plus he paid like $100,000 bucks to get you. That's what I goddamn thought. Welp, we gotta do it the therapist way! Okay, so—"

"Money is not the point! (y/n) is the love and the light of my life, she supported me more than anyone—" Lizard pressed the barrel of the gun against Vasilios's lips.

"Ahem, ahem. Let the uncertified relationship counsellor speak. Okay, as I was saying... weed chick!" He called for your attention.


"I'm sorry, dumbo. You're gonna have to stay with him."

"Oh come on! There gotta be another way." You whined. "Can't I give him a replacement or something? I'm sure there's like millions of people like me out there who's dyin' to take my place."

"(Y/n)... do you really think you're replaceable?" You felt the sadness in his voice waft past you.

"Umm, yeah. I just said it."

"Okay! Enough with the chit chat. According to my 'research', your girl doesn't wanna be with you." That stabbed Vasilios heart like an arrow.

"But! Lemme ask you this, weed chick. Would ya be with him if he changes?" You shrugged.

"I mean, he got the looks, the body, the money, the cooking skills— it's just that his personality is literal crap." You saw Vasilios cover his mouth with his hand.

"Lookin' at my scenario now, the only way I can get outta this now is to either murder him in cold blood or put up with his shit. I don't have the skills to get away with murder."

"Really?" Vasilios knitted his eyebrows. "You thought of me that way?"

You shrugged again in response. "Hey, I would have told you sooner if it wasn't for (f/n)'s blackmail and you using me as a personal mouthwashing station!" You angrily slammed on the table.

Vasilios frowned unhappily "(y/n), do you... hate me?" You rolled your eyes and rubbed your forehead.

"Oh give me a damn break... that stupid question again." You pulled on your face and took a deep breath.

"Okay, Vase man. The reason why I'm actin' like my balls are made outta steel right now is because Lizard has a gun pointing at us. You can't attack me and I can't attack you either. I'm damn sure we can't attack the guy holding two guns."

"Correct!" Lizard interrupted.

"If you want the damn truth, no. I don't... exactly hate you but I goddamn hate the shit you pull on me. It's like I'm walkin' on eggshells every time I'm with you, I don't know when or how are you gonna attack, but I know you will. Geddit?" Vasilios stared at you blankly.

"If you can change into a better, less horny you, then that's great! If you can't... welp, what can I do? I gotta stay anyways." You leaned back on your chair.

Vasilios looked away for a while digesting everything you said. "I... see. My apologies, I never knew it affected you to... that extent." He bit his lower lip and sighed.

"What can I do to make this right?"

Both, you and Lizard widened eyes in surprise.

You felt happy because Vasilios is willing to make your life less terrible for you.

While Lizard felt happy because he felt like a psychological genius.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now