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"...ello'?" Lizard picked up a call from your phone.

"This is Lizard, right?" Brandy asked.

"No it's Rapunzel, yeah no shit Brainy. It's me, Lizard T-boy!" He snickered.

"Its Brandy, okay so... I uh, got a location. Like at seven PM yesterday, Harper travelled to the middle of nowhere and... stayed there?" Lizard slid out of his hiding place.

"Whoa! Neat, dude! Where is that place?"

"It's still pinging on and strong, I did some research and found out the place she visited is a abandoned campsite. Harlowe's probably there, but why...? Why did Harper stay there?" Brandy sounded confused and worried.

"Buddy, maybe the puck fell and like stayed there. I didn't use a very strong 'glue' anyways." Lizard replied.

"...what did you use to make it stick, exactly?" Brandy asked.

"Me and my boy, Roar, chewed a buncha gum, like one side is covered with it!" He heard Brandy tut in disapproval.

"Just find (y/n)." With that Brandy hung up. Lizard yawned and rubbed his eyes, a few seconds later, a notification popped up in the phone saying Brandy sent you a location.

He stood up straight and scratched his back.

"Right. How am I gonna get there?" He looked around in Vasilios's dark garage. He snuck in and slept under his car as he do not have a place to sleep.

"Hmm... how am I gonna leave without him killing me?" He mumbled to himself. At the end, Lizard shrugged and knocked on the door leading to the living room.

"I'm just gonna get a vase smashed on my head, that's it. No biggie..." He mumbled to himself.

Vasilios halted his scribbling and sobbing. He heard a knock, but it's not from the front door, it's from his garage.

"W-who...?" He whimpered. "...or what...?" Vasilios felt his blood boil, it's either a burglar, one of his exes, one of his most insane fans or a wild animal such as a raccoon.

Or someone much worse, Lizard T-boy.

Vasilios quietly took the can of pepper spray next to him. He was intending to return it to Boss by this afternoon, looks like he might have to use it one last time.

He cancelled out the possibility of a burglar, it's absurd to think a thief would knock before breaking in. Same goes for his exes, they would usually try to kill him or sexually force themselves onto him. It wouldn't make sense for them to knock either.

A fan? He had one that broke into his bedroom before, trying to recreate the events from one of his novels while Vasilios is asleep. Of course, it involves very inappropriate touching.

He remembered sending her to the intensive care unit with a fractured skull and a broken jaw. After that, he pressed charges on her too.

Moreover, if it really was a fan, they would exclaim that they're a huge fan of his works in hopes of receiving Vasilios's 'rewards'. All they ever received were restraining orders and/or broken bones.

They're disappointed because their encounter with an amorous, devilishly handsome and physically attractive erotic novellist wasn't as 'steamy' and 'romantic' like what his books described.

This leaves him the possibility of either a wild animal and... Lizard.

It's unlikely to be a wild animal, it wouldn't—

"Yo! Vagina! It's your buddy, Lizard! I'm stuck here!" He continued knocking.

He groaned in frustration and wiped his tears away. Of course, it just has to be him. What does he want this time and... how did he get into his garage!?

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now