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A/n: short chapter

"Huh? He ain't here yet?" You asked Tiana as you rushed back into the farm.

"Who ain't here?" Tiana asked as she puts down her smartphone.

"Vasilios, we tricked that guy into comin' here." Tiana furrowed your eyebrows.

"Well, ya better start worrying on how to 'trick' him again." Tiana replied, examining your face.

"What do you mean?"

She pointed at your eye.

"Shit! I forgot!" You cupped the area with your hand. "What am I gonna— hey!"

Tiana dragged you by the arm to the parking lot. "What are you—"

"Giving you an excuse, wait here. I'mma get something." Tiana dashed back into the farm.

She came back later with a dirty, worn out, soccer ball.

"What are they doing?" Brandy mumbled as he watches you and Tiana.

"Playing soccer?" Harlowe replied.

"Like, at one A.M? Are they really that bored?" Lizard commented.

The three of them, Brandy, Harlowe and Lizard are waiting in the Blonde's sister's car, parked quite a distance away from the front entrance.

"Okay, here's the script. We were playing dodgeball, you got hit in the eye and that's why—"

"Playing dodgeball with a soccer ball?" You examined the object.

"Yeah, soccer balls are harder. Unlike real dodgeballs, they can actually break your face. Plus, we don't have any other balls except this—" she held it up.

"— and Lizard's 'balls' of steel. Okay, so as I was saying, you got hit in the face with this. Geddit?" You nodded.

"Cool, now here. Hold this first." You took the ball from her arm and held it with two hands.

"Now what— Tiana!" Your jaw dropped as you watch her punch herself in the nose. You could hear a sickening crack as her knuckles collided with her soft bone.

"Ow! Damn, I'm strong!" She said as she cradled her bleeding nose.

"What was that!?" You shrieked.

"Hey, we gotta make the scene realistic. It takes at least two to play dodgeball with a... soccer ball—Ouch, damn that hurts like a bitch!—If you're the only one gettin' hurt, it's gonna be real fishy." Tiana explained to you.

"Damn! You don't need to break your—" you were interrupted by a beam of bright light and the soft whirring of a car engine.

"Speak of the devil— ow!" You hurled the soccer ball at her face, it rebounded off her cheekbone.

"(Y/n)!" Vasilios exclaimed from his car, he opened the door and immediately got out of it.

"Oomph!" The tall male encased you in a tight hug. He lifted you up as you were relatively shorter than him, your legs dangle in the air.

"Oh (y/n), don't run off like that again! You worried me to death, so many things could have happened to you, especially it's dark outside!" Vasilios berated you with tears in his eyes. You watch slowly Lizard sneak towards Vasilios's car.

"Hurry up, stupid reptile!" Lizard stealthily opened the door to the driver's seat.

"What happened to you? Why are you— why are you injured?" Vasilios lets you down, but his hands are now tenderly holding onto your face.

"I was playing dodgeball." You replied. Vasilios knitted his eyebrows in response.

"She has mad throwin' game, look at what she did to me!" Tiana joined in, Vasilios wince at the sight of her bruised and bloody nose.

He returned his focus onto you. "What were you thinki— oh, nevermind that. I wouldn't comprehend your absurd reasons anyways... I'm just glad nothing happened to you— well, at least nothing too serious." He mumbled on your forehead.

Your eyes shifted to the side, watching Lizard taking his sweet time extracting the music box from Vasilios's vehicle.

"I brought back food from the gathering, I'm sure you're hungry from all of... this. Please, come home with me." He had an exhausted yet relieved look on his face. Vasilios gently stroked your hair, letting his fingers run through the strands.

It felt great.

"It's time to come home." He whispered. You secretly peeked behind the long-haired male.

"He's STILL not done takin' that shit out!?" You could see Lizard's form in his car. You bit on your lower lip in anticipation. Vasilios was about to turn around, about to ruin everything.


"Sir! The jacket!" Brandy yelled, holding up the torn, beige clothing article.

"Ah...! Thank you." Vasilios walked towards him to receive the jacket. You made a small and quiet victorious 'fist-pump' when you saw Lizard coming out of the car with his music box.

Like a literal Lizard, he silently scuttered away on all fours.

" interesting." Vasilios mumbled to himself as he examined the damaged tracking puck. He shuddered at the possibility of you getting killed if it wasn't for this.

Vasilios pinch the bridge of his nose, attempting to relieve his stress-induced headache.

He can tell that this is going to be a very, very, very long talk.

He hung the damaged jacket over his shoulders and kept the puck in his pocket.

Vasilios jolted when he heard a thud. He whipped his head to you and watch the scene in horror.

You were still playing 'dodgeball' with Tiana.

"Ha ha! Missed me, Tiana!" You gave her the middle finger as you threw the soccer ball at her. She dodged it just in time.

"No, you missed me!" Tiana grabs the ball and flung it to you with the power of a thousand suns. You ducked, resulting in the ball hitting something or someone else.

Both of you turned around to see a messy-haired, Vasilios bending down and clutching his abdomen.

"At least he's tall enough to not let it hit his face." Tiana commented. You nodded in agreement.

"Hey, wanna try a rock next?" You suggested.


"(Y/n), don't you dare!" He scolded.

Are these your friends? No wonder you have no sense of danger whatsoever! He wonders how are you still alive after all these years without a sane person like him to protect you and keep you in check.

It took Vasilios some time to completely recover from the pain on his lower torso.

He wonders if this woman that you're playing 'dodgeball' with is the woman saved as 'Tiana Balls' in your phone.

If she is, he is going to have a few words with her too.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now