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You held onto your seatbelt like your life depended on it. He speeds through the highway like a madman, swerving left and right to avoid the slower cars.

You don't know where the both of you are going, you didn't want to ask especially his face is completely blank, cold and stoic. All you can do now is pray that this isn't a double-suicide attempt.

A screech erupted out of your chest when he's speeding towards a very, very, very slow oil tanker truck. A chill ran down your spine as your eyes landed on the gigantic "FLAMMABLE" sign, painted in red on the vehicle.

The male's eyes were dull and lifeless, his lips were pressed into a straight line. You whipped your head to him.

"Vasilios! Vasilios! Wake the hell up! I don't wanna die!" You slapped his shoulder repeatedly. He ignored you.

"Vasilios!" You yelled. The back of the truck is getting nearer and nearer to the windshield. You calculated the chances of you surviving a car crash AND a potential explosion is little to none.

You screamed and closed your eyes and ears. "Vasilios!" You yelled his name one more time, hoping he would change his mind. Your whole life flashed by your eyes in a split second.

Vasilios maintained that vacant look. It's like his body is moving, but his soul isn't there.

You inhaled deeply and held your breath. A stray tear escapes your eye and rolled down your face.

Just inches away from the large vehicle's bumper, he made a sharp swerve to the left. You were thrown around in your seat like a pinball.

Surrounding cars honked at his reckless driving. But the male did not care.

You gasped and wheezed, your heart is beating like no tomorrow, pumping crazily to replace all the oxygen lost to your intense fear and adrenaline rush.

Your chest rose and sinks rapidly, sweat drenched your shirt and your wet hair stick to your face. You twisted your neck to look at the insane driver.

He didn't even break a sweat! His expression is so mundane, it's like he's treating this ride as a ride home from work!

"Psycho bitch!" You held onto your seatbelt tighter.

Vasilios drove and drove, he then made a turn which leads to an unpaved road. The gravel and other rocks made the ride extremely bumpy and unpleasant. You could hear some of it flinging itself to the metallic frame of his car.

"Vasilios!" You felt like your heart is going to leap out of your chest again when you saw he's about to drive off a tall cliff.

Vasilios eyes are still unoccupied.

"We're going to die! We're going to die!" You panic. The end of the cliff is getting closer and closer. Your life flashed before your eyes again.


The loud screeching of his tires reached your ears and you're thrown forward, luckily you had seatbelts on, or else your cranium would be smashed.

You panted and gasp, your hand is on your chest now, feeling your muscular organ beating against your ribcage.

He turned his engine off.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now