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Edit: added memes at the bottom

"Your hand is so tiny! It's adorable!" Harlowe squealed as you press the palm of your hand against hers. You always thought that you had big hands for a girl, you were wrong. Your hand is approximately half the size of Harlowe's

"Shit, she can grab my head like a damn tennis ball. Why are her hands so huge!?"

Harlowe found it cute that 'her' (y/n) is smaller than her and is in 'dire' need of protection. She have never felt this useful in her life before!

You closed your eyes when she leaned in to kiss you. You did notice a few similarities and quite a wide range of differences between Harlowe and Vasilios.

Harlowe is somehow more masculine than Vasilios and her affections are rougher. She holds no regard towards her skin, Harlowe showers using the dish detergent as shampoo and bodywash!

No wonder her hair felt like the bristles on a broom!

She was nice enough to provide you with a proper bar soap. No shampoo at all.

Living with her is... certainly a huge change. No internet, no TV, no phones, no technology. It really feels like you're living in the 50's where everyone are crop farmers.

You had to help Harlowe out a bit by watering the crops. You didn't dare to drink the tap water from her trailer because it was yellowish. If you wanted to drink, you had ask Harlowe to operate the water filter. Only she knows which valves to open and close.

You had to give her a kiss each time you asked her. It didn't feel right to you.

You miss Vasilios's convenient and clean home water supply. Hell, you missed your old life! You didn't want this, but you can't rebel against her either. She's too intimidating for you to go against, you fear that she'll beat you or force herself onto you.

You didn't know that she'll never do that, she genuinely hated seeing you hurt, especially knowing that she inflicted the pain.

"I love you!" She exclaimed before pulling you into a loving hug. Your face was gently smushed in between her breasts. Odd enough, she smelled like cinnamon with a mix of turpentine.

"Must be Brandy's special lettuce, I guess— hey, she's not smoking them these days, why?" You wonder to yourself as Harlowe tenderly played with your (h/c) hair.

Well, Tiana told Harlowe you had trouble with your breathing. She's trying her best not to smoke around you. Harlowe stopped baking with them because she didn't like the way it tasted.

In a way, you're helping her to break free from her addiction.

You relaxed your head on her chest, Harlowe felt a burst of euphoria, thinking that you're returning her feelings towards you. Actually, no. You're just mentally exhausted.

You're too tired to think of an escape plan. The coyotes are too troublesome to handle, they kept a close eye on you everytime you leave the trailer, they do not lick, they do not bite, the just watch you intently. As soon as you stray away from Harlowe or the site without the blonde's permission, they growl, bark and barred teeth. Intimidating you to return to where ever Harlowe is.

How did Harlowe train them to do that within a short period of time?

Even without the canines, Harlowe is not an easy obstacle to overcome. You saw her hunt for wild animals, she did not use any firearms, she uses her throwing daggers. You are impressed yet horrified at her fantastic aim and strength.

"She didn't need guns, she is a gun!" You remembered thinking that to yourself.

Escaping with a few knives stuck in body isn't a very desirable scenario.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now