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Edit: a bit of changes to remove loophole

You were alert and fully awake. Reaching the laundromat, you quickly got out of the car and stood straight, your body stiff as a wooden plank. Every muscle in your body tensed up after the whole ordeal.

You retrieved your basket from the backseat. You scurried to the nearest washing machine and started to unload the basket into it. You were about to close the door until an arm reached inside to grab the scarf. You whipped your head to look at him with wide eyes.

"This needs to be hand washed in warm water. The fabric is far too delicate for a washing machine, I'll return this to you later." he hung it on his arm and walked towards a bench. He sat down, crossing his legs, showing his footwear. "He likes to wear heels, huh."

He is wearing a pair of low-heeled gladiator shoes. You shook your head and inserted coins into the slot. You paced around with your hands on your hips while waiting for your laundry to finish. "Okay, let me gather my thoughts. Vasilios will screw me up if I say something wrong... Judging what to say and what not to is fairly easy. But my actions? That guy is just nitpicking, can't predict crap."

"(Y/n)." His deep voice broke you out of your thoughts. You turned your head to him. Vasilios patted on the spot next to him, gesturing you to sit. You hesitated.

"Now." This made you propel your feet towards it. You hated the fact that he is so intimidating although he does not threaten to harm you or even speak much. A slight shift in his tone is enough for you to soil your underpants in fear.

And so, you sat next to him. "I will allow you to rest your head on my lap until it is finished." He moved the red scarf to his side, away from you.

"Uhh, thanks. But I'm good." You smiled awkwardly.

"(Y/n)." You sensed a hint of warning in his voice. Trying to guess his intentions through his facial expression is futile as he usually does not express his emotions through looks.

You positioned yourself to lay your head on his lap, facing the washing machines. Vasilios's silky hands were combing your hair slowly, its heavenly sensations distracting you from reality. Soon, your muscles relaxed and you were like putty as Vasilios continues running his slender fingers through your hair.

"Yeah, that hits the spot. This is probably the only perk being with him." You were so invested in the pleasurable feeling that you didn't notice his soft chuckling.

"...It's such a treat to see you like this, so reliant on me." Vasilios whispered tenderly into your ear. It snapped you back to reality, you recalibrated your focus onto the timer. "Holy damn, this is going to be a long hour." You sat back up and stood up. Irritation was written all over his face, the silence between you both was an indication that he is demanding an explanation.

"I uh, need to take a shi- uh, go to the bathroom." He eyed you from head to toe. Vasilios crossed his arms over his chest and said "Go."
You flashed a nervous grin before running towards the door that says "RESTROOM" with an icon of a woman.

You bolted into one of the stalls and locked it. You then brought out your phone to contact someone through texts.


Tiana Balls:
>Why are you texting me at this time
>this is not (y/n) she calls never text

Psycho "bf" prolly listenig in<
Cant spwek<
In ahurry rn<

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now