Chapter 4: Dragged

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 "You should sit with us," Haru continued, not wanting to be away from the (h/c) haired girl, "Or, if you want, you can just sit with me. We can go to the office and play on a console there. I made sure to bring it."

"Don't get me wrong, it sounds fun. If it were another day...But, like I said, I already promised my friends. Plus, I have some work to get done, so - "

"Work?" he asked, his brows furrowing in disgust, "From what class? I'll make sure that you won't have to do any work at all."

"No, not school work. I'm the vice president. It's my job to help organize things for the school, and since our president will be busy today, I promised to fill in for him."

"He should be doing his work himself."

As Haru pouted, still thinking how to get his way, she chuckled, prompting him to perk up. He kind of liked that sound. And though he wanted to hear the laugh again, he found himself unsuccessful when he ended up reading jokes off of his phone. Grumbling, he gave up, but kept thinking about it. Maybe he could ask Akari for help. He always made people laugh, especially his family.

The history class that the girl had was a lot different from others. For starters, it had a seating chart - something that was rare for Keisetsu. Students were usually given as much freedom as possible. Still, Haru didn't really care, following (Y/n) to her assigned seat, gawking at the girl sitting next to her, who was also in her assigned seat. Uncaring of her feelings, the brunette kicked at the legs of her chair, shooing her away.

"Move," he demanded.

"Sorry, but this is my seat," she protested, dismissing him.

"Sorry, but this is my school," he mocked her, throwing her out of her chair and taking it for himself.

The girl scowled at him and went to tell the teacher but he only shook his head, telling her to sit in a free seat after everyone had come into the classroom. She pouted and tried to complain but the teacher refused to listen. Haru only put a smile on his face and turned to the younger girl like nothing was wrong. She smiled to oblige him, not wanting to have the same fate, but her smile fell when she saw a familiar face.

"Well, hello, there," Rei chuckled, "Looks like our assigned seats have made you one lucky girl. You should be honored. I'll keep you company."

"I'm with her," Haru frowned, shoving the male away, "No one needs you here."

"(Y/n). I just wanted to apologize. I know you were in such a bad mood yesterday when you had to go and deal with Yamato and I. You were probably really upset, screaming about it not being your job and all."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!"

"It wasn't my job," the younger girl sighed, crossing her arms over her chest to the blonde's delight.

"I know. That's why I feel so terrible. But, you know, I was hoping to make it up to you. See, I brought some fun hair chalk to school, and I wanted to give Yamato a little makeover. If I could somehow persuade you to be my bodyguard, I'll make it worth your while."

"I'd rather not get involved with you."

"C'mon, we both know I'm loaded. Just help me have a little fun. If you prefer, I can pick on Shota instead."

Haru had enough of the blonde ignoring him, taking the opportunity to shove him again. This time, it was a more serious push, the blonde stumbling back with a frown. The two immediately grabbed at each other, butting heads. Of course, the teacher could do nothing. It was the same for the other students. Even (Y/n) did nothing, merely trying to wait it out in hopes that they would resolve it themselves. Though, that didn't happen.

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